
How do you stave off or fight cravings? I think without my cravings, I could have had a better grip on my weight gain up until now. They have left but may come back.


  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Its been hard but I am not allowed to have what I am craving. I started craving beer the day before I found out that I was preggo. Not allowed that, so I just had to white knuckle through that little nugget. I go in spurts with cravings now. My current cravings are eggs.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I let myself have my cravings but in "pure" forms. I craved pasta sauce like crazy...of course I wanted the pasta too, so I sliced some tomatoes and added a little salt and fixed that craving. I don't believe in not eating what you body wants.
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    Most of my cravings have been fresh fruits, but I do have one bad one....southwestern eggrolls dipped in avocado ranch YUMMY! They're fried which is the bad part but packed with lots of good veggies and grilled chicken!
  • Just thinking about cravings makes me want Cheese Wiz in my soup with a cheese wiz

    I think anything in moderation is fine.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I just have flavors that I crave (as opposed to actual food items) so I've been TRYING to find less harmful versions of those flavors :)

    Example - Instead of a chocolate bar - cocoa almonds

    The one thing I can't get enough of though is popcorn with Old Bay seasoning on it, need to drink a gallon of water because of all the sodium though!
  • adamswife23
    adamswife23 Posts: 52 Member
    I give into my cravings and just try to moderate them. This is my 4th pregnancy and I know personally no matter what I gain at least 50lbs while pregnant. I have been doing weights with slight jogging and have gained 17lbs and am 20wks.
  • J3ss1caD
    J3ss1caD Posts: 74 Member
    My cravings haven't been too horrible. I find that I crave ice a lot. I can't drink anything without tons of ice in it.. so I guess it's more so me craving extra cold drinks. Lately I've started noticing that I have a craving for sweets but I've been trying my hardest not to give in.

    Hopefully I can hold off for just 10 more weeks!!!!
  • adamswife23, this is my 4th also and with my past 3, I gained about 40-50 lbs regardless of what I ate or did.
  • Cheeseburgers have been one of my cravings. I want one today. I guess as long as I dont eat them everyday then it's ok. I failed my glucose screening and now I have to take the 3 hr glucose tolerance test on Monday. I had gestational diabetes with pregnancy#3 but I ate a lot worse with that pregnancy than I have been eating with this pregnancy. I now know how carbs afffect it and I have been taking that into consideration with this pregnancy but I still failed the 1 hr glucose screening :-(