Who are you?

CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
It was brought to my attention that some are finding it difficult to know who everyone "really" is on here based on their nicknames. So I thought it would be fun to create a Get to Know Each Other kind of thread. So tell us your real name and then tell us a little bit about you: work, family, goals, hobbies, etc.


  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    I guess I'll start first...

    My name is Christina.

    I am 33. I have two children, Gavin (7) & Chloe (6). I am not officially married, but my other half, Justin, and I have been together for almost 9 years. I was born and raised in Nova Scotia, but have lived in Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Alberta, and Manitoba, as well. I don't work - I am a stay at home mom, but have held many customer service positions over the years. I volunteer in the community and that and my family keeps me super busy. I love to read, write, listen to music, watch TV/movies, play video games, play darts, go for walks, hang out with my family, dance, research things for the fun of it, bake, cook, and much more! My goals are to be healthier and to no longer become winded when walking up and down the stairs to do the laundry.
  • ktrauzzi
    ktrauzzi Posts: 71 Member

    My name is Kristy. :D I am 26 years old and am the mother to a (almost) 11 month old baby boy. I am married - 4 yrs in July - but we've been together for about 7.5 yrs.

    I am originally from Saskatchewan but my husband dragged me this way so we call Winnipeg home now. My husband is from Winnipeg. I am a stay at home Mom which is both fantastic, tiring, exciting, and frustrating all at the same time lol.

    I love music and reading. I love spending time with my Trauzzi family and walking is my favorite exercise. I also scrapbook in my free time for me and my friends and family.

    I have wanted to lose weight for a while but after I had my son, lost my pregnancy weight and then PILED it back on, I knew I had to change. And thankfully this group came along and it was and is exactly what I needed!
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Great idea Christina!

    My name is Krista.

    I am 35. I am married to Marc - we eloped in 2008 after dating for 8 years and had our honeymoon in Nicaragua. We don't own a TV, cell phone, or i-anything. (part of the reason I love doing DVD workouts with North End Losers!)

    I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 10 and am on an insulin pump (the thing I wear that looks like "pager" :)). I also have Exercise Induced Asthma, so please ignore all my wheasing and terrible breathing sounds when we workout!

    I was born in Newfoundland and lived there until I was 12. My family then moved to southern Ontario and I lived in 4 different cities & towns until I moved to Winnipeg in 2003.

    I have a full-time job running the Marketing of a company based out of Toronto, but I work from home in Winnipeg with occassional trips to Toronto for work. I have staff in Canada and India, all who work different times across a 20 hour period per day... so I never have a set work schedule and can be working at any point during a 24-hour period (although I try and avoid middle of the night as much as I can now - the older I get the harder I find working at 3am). Marc and I also have a side business which keeps us busy.

    Some of my favourite things to do include: Travel (my favourite, favourite, favourite thing to do!!!), reading, volunteering, and pretty much any fitness-related activity except yoga and volleyball. I've also found myself recently having some interest in nutrition, gardening, and cooking (but NOT baking!).

    There are all kind of fitness challenges I would love to be able to do at some point in my life, such as:
    - Complete a 10k in under 1 hour (1:09 is my current best time)
    - Complete a Olympic/Long Duathlon in 3 hours (I've done this event once and it took me over 4 hours)
    - Walk 60k in one day (tried this once but only got to about 52k)
    - Walk across Iceleand
    - Cycle across multiple countries (like in Europe) or one big country (like Canada or the USA)
    - Run a 1/2 marathon (I might consider a marathon depending on how this process went)
    - 8 unassisted chin-ups in a row (on a good day, I can do 1 now... j-u-s-t)
    - 5 unassisted pull-ups in a row (I can't do any of these right now)
    - Squats with 250+ lbs on my back (I can do about 115 lbs now unassisted)
    - Leg press more than the average guy - so, maybe 600+ lbs? (I can do about 250 lbs now - maybe a bit more)
    - Do the "human flag" (I don't even know how to attempt this yet)
    - Be much more flexible: Comfortably touch my hands to the floor, head to knees, do the splits, etc. (I can do absolutely none of this now - I'm no where close to attempting any of it)
    - 15 elveated push-ups (I can do 12-15 regular push-ups on a good day now)
    - 3 minute planks (I can do 1 minute front, and 40 second side planks now)
    - 2 minute wall sits with 45lb weight (I can do 45 second wall sits now, no weight)
    ... and anything else I see someone do which impresses me. There are a lot of really impressive people out there who can do amazing things with their bodies!
    (side note: I got a little carried away with this list but after I started it I thought it would be a great place to write down these goals and then in the future I can look back and see where I was today, and maybe what I can/have done in the future!).

    I love to eat and am hungry a good portion of most days. That is what I need the most help with, and it is my main reason for joining North End Losers. I often eat well and don't have too much junk or processed foods in my diet - but too much of even good foods is too much. I have terrible willpower. I am 150.5 lbs right now. I have been this weight a couple of times in the last few years (up and down, up and down)... but I can't seem to break that 150 lb barrier. I want this to be it. If I can reduce my body fat and build more muscle, I know I'll have a better chance of being able to accomplish some of those fitness challenges listed above. Working out is hard (asthma, diabetes, I'm naturally a bit of a lazy person)... I don't need extra weight making it even harder :). I want to have a healthy body fat % for my age - I have never had that. Finding this group and being introduced to MyFitnessPal has been such a blessing. I appreciate the support and accountability, and I love the social aspect of doing workouts together!

    My final goal is to be more appreciative of where I am now, and what I can do now. I often forget that an injury could happen at any moment (have had that happen before), or something in life might change that will require me to divert my attention from fitness. I need to learn to appreciate what I *can* do, and not always be unsatisfied because I'm not doing what I'd *like* to be able to do. There are a lot of people out there who have conditions and situations which mean they will never be able to accomplish some of the fitness goals I've already achieved. I want to appreciate my lot in life, make the most of it, and know that I truly am lucky to be given the body I have.
  • My name Is Ingrid

    I just turned 50 this month, yikes.. and have been married for 11 years, to Glenn. We have no children together, but I have two step children.. Rosanna, who just gave birth to a girl Leah 5 months ago, and a step son Glenn Jr. I have always had a weight problem, always up and down.. I have lost the same pounds over and over again. I had joined Weight Watchers for 1 1/2 year I guess, and had lost 70 pounds. Left Weight watchers as I wasn;t losing anymore, I I slacked.. Felt if I wasn;t doing the program, why pay the fee. Since North Endl Losers, there is no fee, I feel I have to give it my all.. I work at a Dental Office in the Maples, I have been there for 22 plus years.

    I was born and raised in Winnipeg..
    I want to loose weight for health.. and to go buy anything I want at any store. I have a sugar problem and high blood pressure.. so I hope to get rid of the pills, and not start on any other ones.

    I enjoy my friends, and family.. I spend time with my great nephew Carter, and as much time that is allowed for my granddaughter Leah. Leah lives in Beausejour, so I don't get to see her as much as I would like.

    This north end losers is awesome.. I am thankful Krystal told me about this.. and look forward in continuing this journey with all of you.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I'm Krista #2!

    I'm 33 years old, and I'm a Winnipegger, born and raised. I grew up in the North End, moved to another area when I was 16, back when I was 21, and then out again when I was 31. I'm divorced, and am the happiest I've ever been. I have a wonderful boyfriend, and we just celebrated our 2 year anniversary yesterday (where I blew my "better choices" with 2 of the most decadent and worth it cupcakes I've ever eaten!). I live in St. Boniface or East Kildonan, depending on if I'm at home or the boyfriend's. We're not ready to take that "move in together" step yet, even though we're together all the time. I'm a hardcore garage saler, love to read, shop, cook, love watching football, travelling, and willing to try just about anything.

    I work at the University of Manitoba, in their research office. I love my job! I'm a former funeral director/embalmer, and I left the profession full time about 5 years ago now. Although I'm not in that profession, that education has helped me land the position I currently have. Funny how things work out!

    My weight has always been something I've struggled with (grade 8 was the first time this comes to my mind) and only now at 33, am I realizing that most of my issues were a little deeper than "craving food". I've finally learned to accept things, how to get a handle on my emotions and how I react to them.

    Other than that, I don't know much more I can tell you about myself! I have a crazy sense of humor, and a fond appreciation of the ridiculous. I like my beer cold, my music loud, and my pyjamas nice and warm, right out of the dryer. :-)
  • I am Crystal (with a C) :)

    I am 37 years old and was born and raised in Winnipeg living in the same house as I grew up and wouldn't have it any other way. I have two children, a daughter who is 8 (almost 9) and a son who is 3. I am divorced and thank goodness everyday. I have a wonderful boyfriend in Nelson who is the love of my life. When my ex husband decided not to be a father and husband when I was 7 months pregnant Nelson was at the airport waiting for us to arrive back in the Peg. He is my rock and has taken Sydney as his own without hesitation. We have been together for 9 years. A little gun shy to get married even though our children bug us all the time.
    In my 20's I lived in military housing both in New Bruswick and Ontario. When given the chance (well kinda forced) to come back home I jumped and never looked back. I live with my Mom because she is disabled so it is a little challenging when two moms are in the house but we manage.
    I never struggled with my weight until I became pregnant and the weight just never came off. I was heavily into sports in School and actually got teased for being too skinny. Oh how I wish now!!
    I am a stay at home mom by choice. My profession is child care and I always said the when I have my own children I will be home no matter what. I am very lucky that I have the chance (minus one pay cheque) but we make ends meet. I work for the lunch program at the school for an hour a day and I am currently President of Ralph Brown Parent Council and trying so hard to implement healthy choices into the school. Luckily the school has a wonderful staff and principal that feel the same way. I volunteer three days a week at the School to help run the snack program and very proud of it. We supply over 200 healthy snacks and to see the children's face when we bring the container full of fresh fruit or vegetables is priceless.

    I am so honored to have met everyone of you. This is such a great opportunity!!!
  • My name is Tara angeline plexman. I have three boy`s and a loving person in my life. We are a very loving family and love are children challenging they are but we love them alot. I have lived in winnipeg all my life as a little girl I was in and out of foster home my sister and I. My dad is past on god rest his soul . My mom is in a nursing home she is active. But to live buy herself would be a challenge so she is in a place where she can get her medication and be looked after buy wonderful people. we are ukrianun german with alittle bit of cree. I have my sister that I see at my mom`s on sunday`s also once a month M and the boy`s go to her place they love to see there cousin seanna. My niece I have two brother`s that live in bc that I do not see the last time I did see my brother troy was at my dad`s funeral very sad. I am happy to talk to him on facebook when he is on. ok I will finish with I am happy to have met all of you and hpoe to stay friend`s with all of you
  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218
    Hi, I'm Judi.

    I started this 5 weeks ago with 243 pounds to lose, I've lost 26 pounds but I know that it's a very long road ahead and I got a very long way to go. This is my first "real" active attempt to lose weight and not just 'talk' about it or daydream about it. That doesn't mean I'm 100% perfect but I am trying.

    I work for the City of Winnipeg as a 311 Operator. (call between 9pm and 7am and you'll likely get me on the phone.) and have since summer of 2010. I can give some information on just about anything that is operated directly by the City of Winnipeg; Buses, Property Taxes, Zoning, by-laws, parks, rec centres (not to be confused with community centres!), pools, trees, street work and so on. We do information and reports to the various departments about issues. then we cross our fingers and hope that either A) the department gave us the right information or B) that they do something about the issue.

    I live in Osborne Village in a huge house with a couple of roommates; who are awesome and we get along well, we treat the house like a home and take care of each other like family. I am single and I like it that way. I'm not looking to date anyone. I have to put myself first and do this for myself before I can even consider having someone else in the picture.

    I was born in Germany and we came to Canada when I was a young girl. My entire family save my mom and my sister (and by extension her husband and daughter) are in Germany and I miss them all the time. I don't travel at the moment mostly due to my weight and one of the goals I have is to lose enough weight to be confident about getting through an airport and onto a plane again without being horribly embarrassed.

    The hardest thing I have to face is my family. I come from a family of thin people which means that they are always making off-hand comments about my weight. I know they aren't trying to hurt my feelings, but it happens. Having comments made by strangers who do it to be mean doesn't affect me. It's the comments my family makes that hurt the most. They mean well and I always try to remember that even when it's hard to.

    I broke my leg and destroyed my ankle in 2009. it took until almost the end of 2011 to get off Workers Compensation, so long in fact that I changed careers just so I could work. I used to work for CFS, I worked in Emergency Placement Shelters, running after kids. Without meaning to it helped keep me somewhat in check even though I was still fat (I ate too much). I had also gotten my class 1 license and was planning to become a long-haul truck driver. That 'dream' had to be put on hold when I broke and trashed my ankle. I am hoping that weight loss will make it possible again. Since I broke my leg I have gained almost 150 pounds. Just because of how much I ate coupled with how little activity I had.

    So, I want to get in better shape, I want to lose weight to take the pressure off my leg and ankle and hopefully be strong enough for long-distance driving. I want to be able to travel freely without being embarrassed in airports or being 'that fat person' some unlucky smuck has to sit beside. or have a seatbelt extender or worse, have two seats. plus when travelling it would be nice to actually do things like go hiking, or swimming or anything really that people do when travelling.

    Anyway, that's my (long-winded) story of who I am. and hopefully I will be feeling better by wednesday (horribly sick atm) so I can show back up for 'class'.
  • Kari_Lee
    Kari_Lee Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Karen. My friend, Krista #2, invited me out to NEL last week. I hope to make it out every week on Wednesdays.

    I'm 33 years old. My boyfriend, David, and I have been together for just over 2 years. We're looking to buy our first house in the fall, which I'm really looking forward to. No kids, but we do have a kitty together. :P

    I was born in northern Manitoba, and moved to Winnipeg when I was 20. I haven't lived anywhere else, but I love to travel when I'm able. I just came back from Alabama/Tennessee. My first time there and I had a blast.

    I'm an accountant at a public firm. I'm still working on my designation, taking courses part time in the evenings (I'm taking the summer off and it's wonderful). I work a lot of overtime a couple times of the year, which makes it hard to eat right and exercise. It doesn't leave me with a lot of energy at the end of the week.

    I don't have any exact numbers hammered out as far as weight loss goes. I have a lot of weight to lose, so I'll keep going until I'm happy. My goal is to be healthy, stronger, and have more energy.

    So, that's me. Nice to meet you all. :)
  • Im tiffany :) I am the program coordinator at the site NEL works out! I have yet to make my first meeting for various reasons but I will continue to try!