Friday weigh ins - March



  • sjodrum
    sjodrum Posts: 127 Member
    SW march - 271.5
    GW for March: 265.0 lbs (2.4% loss)

    2nd March - 271.5 lbs
    9th March - 269.5
    16th March - 270.5
    23rd March - 270.5
    30th March - 267.5

    Not my goal weight, but the best I've done in a month for a while. And I got below 270, which has been a sticking point for me.
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    MFP SW 208
    SW march - 199.5
    GW for March: 194 lbs

    2nd March - 199.5 lbs
    9th March - 203.00
    16th March - 203.00
    23rd March - 203.00
    30th March - 200.5

    Not to bad considering. I will have a strong April!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member

    Now for the new March

    Goal weight 195 and stay there or drop below.

    SW- 198.4 as of Feb. 24th
    March 2 197.4
    March 9: 197.4 I am weighing in early since I am leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow morning. My try to update tomorrow but no guarentee
    March 16 :197.4 will stay the same since I forgot to weigh in. It was that type of week last week. Needless to say my emotional balance was thrown off since one of my students wants me dead. Not a comforting thought but the school is doing everything possible to make sure I am protected.

    March 23 - 203- very confused about this weight but I believe it is due to water weight and the fact that I have been working my arms much more this week. I started with rock climbing and my arms were killing me when done, then worked out again on Tuesday with another focus on arms. I hope the scale will go down soon.
    March 30 199.2
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    GW for March: 180lbs

    2nd March - 187.2lbs
    9th March - 186.8lbs
    16th March - 188.8lbs (not a great week, been with the in-laws, so eaten and drunk a lot :( )
    23rd March - 186.4lbs (woo hoo!)
    30th March - 187.6lbs
  • Bullly
    Bullly Posts: 136 Member
    Sorry, late again :-(

    2nd March - 218.2
    9th March - 217.8
    16th March - 217.2
    23rd March - 216.6
    30th March - 217 :-( :-(
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    Hi All,

    Whats happened to the April Weigh In thread, I hope it hasn't got too much for that energetic Pink Princess?