Weigh in Week 7

cam_l20 Posts: 95 Member
187.8 - another pound gone :o)


  • Well done, Cam!

    I've got a small gain, but nothing I can't work out plus another pound or two on vacation next week.
    160.6 lb.

    ***I'm going to be on vacation next Thursday. The place I'm staying should have internet access, so I'll still be able to log and weigh-in. But I'f I disappear for a weigh in, you'll know why. *^_^*
  • carcrsh
    carcrsh Posts: 70
    :/ I always go back up after I get lower. Poop. I was sitting at 143 on Sunday. I hope it's because I'm lifting. I didn't take any measurements before I started besides on my waist, thigh, and neck. Those have all stayed the same though. I do notice more bicep, tricep, and delt definition though! When I flex I surprise people. X)
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    189. Still up from 2 wks ago, but heading back down. Between "Eat More, Weigh Less", strength training, and time of the month, the scale doesn't stand a chance! But I'm noticing changes in my body already...Hope to see a drop next week. Or at least back to 186. :)
  • Teshablue82
    Teshablue82 Posts: 67 Member
    I am at 198.4 today. Finally seeing the scale move! :happy: :bigsmile:
  • Drizzt_d99
    Drizzt_d99 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm at 214.7 today.
  • I'm at 206.8. The scale is moving and I'm getting very close to being "overweight" rather than "obese" according to my BMI!
  • irsleepy2
    irsleepy2 Posts: 47
    145.2, so a small loss.
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks for posting, Cam! I didn't get a chance to do this yesterday and I know I'm in a later time zone than most. I'll get to work on updating the spreadsheet today!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    I don't have access to a scale this week for this weigh-in so I'll just say still at 205.
  • jiggy_gibby
    jiggy_gibby Posts: 197
    249.4 - but, I went to gym today for the FIRST TIME EVER IN MY LIFE. Want to see how much this will effect next week's loss.
  • SlickDaddyCool
    SlickDaddyCool Posts: 161 Member
    161.2 - Gained a few :grumble: (Went on vacation) :glasses:
  • fypspirit
    fypspirit Posts: 109 Member
    185 stayed the same guess that is good had a couple of days where eating was not so good
  • kms7035
    kms7035 Posts: 59 Member
    164...AGAIN. Blah. Plateaus are the absolute worst!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    234.6 for a .4 lb gain this week.

    Seeing a big loss next week's weigh in, we are hunting and we were out hiking in the woods for 4 hours and climbed a bluff. We'll be doign the same thing the next 2 days.
  • Mar0414
    Mar0414 Posts: 27 Member
    Forgot to post yesterday. 198.4 Not such a great week. Too much celebrating for my birthday.
  • MoogieOh
    MoogieOh Posts: 141
    Put me in for 103.5 kg pleeease
  • j6l3a1m3
    j6l3a1m3 Posts: 30 Member
    160.1 again- third week in a row
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    Alright, I think I've finally caught up with the weigh-ins. Sorry for being MIA. I've had a lot on my plate, went out of town for a weekend, and have been pretty stressed out. I guess I can attribute my gain to that too :(. Send me a private message if I messed up, I kind of tried to power through it.
  • BerylX
    BerylX Posts: 108 Member
    For week 7 - 194.6 :( Been on vacation though and having a very good time :):drinker:

    I missed posting week 4 - was 186.0 for that week. - Sorry for missing it!
  • tsherm3850
    tsherm3850 Posts: 353 Member
    259.0 lbs.