Introductions are needed

AmberzHeartz Posts: 53 Member
Hey everyone! My name is amber and I am 21 and looking to get back the body I had in high school. The power disks seem to be the best option because you can start small like me and work your way from Power 90, Power 90 Master series, P90X, P90x plus, P90X2, or as far as you want/need to take it. I just know that I need to start from the begining and work my way to the top. If you want to join in and do it with me that would be great! I am interested to see the results other get and we all need people to keep us going :)


  • cmatos426
    cmatos426 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I am so Happy to Have found you so quick I have ordered my Power 90 Yesterday and wanted to find someone to do it with too. I am not sure when it should be here but hopefully we can start it together. I am so anxious to get started already :D
  • cmatos426
    cmatos426 Posts: 14 Member
    I should get my Power 90 on the 30th :}
  • AmberzHeartz
    AmberzHeartz Posts: 53 Member
    That is great! I have been hoping someone would join :) Down side is that I just got an e-mail saying that they never sent it out and that it should be here by the 6th. It should have been here today :/
  • MariLuna95
    MariLuna95 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys, Im Mari. (:
    Im 17 but I started Power 90 about two weeks ago.
    I know I'm early but I'd love to have someone to do it with
    for the rest of the way.
  • Hi everyone! My name is Jolene but my friends call me Jo. I've been working out for 2 months and 3 days now. I just recently finished up Slim in 6. During my 2 months of working out I've lost a total of 26.5lbs. I still have about 75-80lbs to go to hit my goal weight. On Monday, April 2nd I started Power 90. I'm hoping to get some good results from this program as well. Hoping to lose lots more lbs and inches. I've also recently become a Beachbody coach (Jolene2012). I want to help people lose weight and get in shape right along with me. I get up in the morning do my workout and then enjoy my chocolate Shakeology shake. Doing my workout and having my shake in the morning gives me tons of extra energy throughout the day. I love it! :) Then about 730pm I join one of my friends at the gym and we usually hit the elliptical or treadmill for a bit. I can't wait to see all our results at 90 days from Power 90! Let's do this!
  • AmberzHeartz
    AmberzHeartz Posts: 53 Member
    I am so mad now lol I started this group last month when I ordered it and was upgraded to 5-7 day shipping and i did not even the get the shipping e-mail until over a week after I ordered it and if I do not get it by friday then I am going to flip lol Now I am so far behind everyone when I started the group. Has anyone seen or felt any progress? are the workouts hard at first?
  • cmatos426
    cmatos426 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone Else :) Jo we started on the same day... how do you like it? which one you started with first? are you as sore as me? lols

    imari361 is it getting easier for you?

    Its okay though because I am only on my 3rd day. I have to say though I must be so out of shape, my body is so sore. I can not even do a push up but I love being sore because that means it is working.
  • AmberzHeartz
    AmberzHeartz Posts: 53 Member
    My kit came with the red band which is way too strong for me but I am going to make it work, however it came with a bonus disk and that 6 day jump start. Do you do that with all the stuff for day one or do you do that a week before you start the program?
  • The 6 day jumpstart is up to you if you want to do it. You would do it a week before you start Power 90. You just follow the 6 day jumpstart plan. It tells you your food to eat and what video to do (which is that bonus video).

    I'm now on day 4 and I am really feeling it in my legs, butt, arms, and stomach. But that means its WORKIN'. Next weekend I'll measure myself just to see how much you can loose in 2 weeks time.

    cmatos--Yeah I'm liking it! It's definately a good workout! Sure makes me sweat :) , which is what I like to see out of my workouts. hehe! I started with Sculpt 1-2 on Monday, Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 on Tuesday, then Wednesday I decided to try the Cardio video (bonus video), now today I'm going back to Sculpt 1-2 and repeating what I've done so far. The schedule for Power 90 for the first 45 days is Sculpt 1-2 the 1st day then Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 the 2nd day then repeat for a total of 6 workouts a week. Are you enjoying the workout besides the soreness?
  • cmatos426
    cmatos426 Posts: 14 Member
    Thats good to hear and I am really enjoying it other then the sore factor it has gotten so bad it hurts me to bend to use the bathroom....hope its not that bad for you .
  • AmberzHeartz
    AmberzHeartz Posts: 53 Member
    Thats good to hear and I am really enjoying it other then the sore factor it has gotten so bad it hurts me to bend to use the bathroom....hope its not that bad for you .

    I have had that cant bend over pain before lol that is a GOOD pain...It does not feel that way but it is. It means it gave you a kick *kitten* work out and that if you keep it up you will get results. I can not wait to start. I now have everything I need to track my progress so I am hoping to make the most of it. The band they sent me is red and I am worried it will be too hard to use :/ I have some anckle and wrist weights though if the band just is too much right now
  • roymmou
    roymmou Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I am 29 years old and have started with Power 90 from 8th April. I used to be a gymnast but now I am close to 40 pounds overweight. I started with the sculpt 1-2 workout and really liked it although I didn't get as sore (that worries me a little bit..hope I am not doing anything wrong).
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    HI! I'm on week 2 of Power 90. I'm really liking the program so far. I forgot about the bonus dvd though, quick start or something..Is that mostly cardio and how long is the workout?

    I did get a HRM to figure out the calories I'm burning. I was disappointed when the first Sweat tape with it was only 144 calories..But fast forward to yesterday and I did 243, much better..I do think that as the week went on I was getting better at the exercises. I did learn though not to keep up with their pace with all the legs lifts. I get to the point of were my legs feel like a hundred And the power yoga. Not a big fan but I try my hardest just like the pushups in the sculpt. I will look forward to being able to go down 3 inches for push ups not just two =)

    @ Roymmou. I did not get sore either but last year i did Jillian Michaels for 6 weeks and walked for months after till about mid fall. So maybe that's why...

    P.S Some of the ab moves that will be a work in progress as well..

    Ohh and I started using 3lbs weights Amber and I moved to 5 this week. Bands are a pain imo
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    So I'm on day 14 with Power 90 (including 2 rest days) and I'm not sure why I didn't realize this before...So for 6 weeks we have to do the same exercise..I understand that eventually, which I did already, you are supposed to up your weights do more reps etc etc. But the same darn moves.. Ugh I was enjoying it until I realized that to be honest... end rant
  • MexisMom
    MexisMom Posts: 249
    Hey all -- I'm a 24yo with about 75lbs to lose. I'm throwing a cottage party on the second weekend in August, and I figured - hey, that's three months away, why not try a 90 day program?! I'm definitely not fit enought for P90X yet, so I'm going to try this first. Hopefully I'll be up for P90X with a potential Sept. 1st start date.

    I'm planning on starting this on May 1st. Right now I'm hovering between 205 and 207 lbs, and as a little treat to myself, I'd like to get down to the 100's by my start date - kind of like a little extra motivation.

    Looking forward to struggling my way through this with you guys, even though I'll be a bit late starting! :)
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome! I'm on day 19. I'm enjoying it but I must confess, I'm using the power 90 express instead of the Sweat 1-2 because I just like it better. I'm sure I'll go back and forth between the two. Word of advice on the Sweat 1-2 pace yourself with all the leg lifts. I tried to keep up and you just can't till you become more fit but he encourages you to go at your own pace.. Listen to him lol

    The sculpt I did 3lb weights for the first week and by the 2nd I was at 5lbs and i think in about 2 weeks i might go to 8lb on half the exercises

    Good luck!
  • roymmou
    roymmou Posts: 39 Member

    i am just about to complete my second week in the next two days. i weighed myself after week 1 and had barely lost anything so I am feeling a little demotivated now but I guess the results will start showing in some more time and I just have to keep pushing play
  • cmatos426
    cmatos426 Posts: 14 Member
    We Can Do it everyone even though I will be starting all over today i hope to stick to it :}
  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member
    Hey Guys and Gals,

    I'm somewhere in the 30 day mark with P90 I'm due to kick it up in a week or so, nervous but excited to finish the program.

    I lost 11 pounds so far and I'm hoping to lose 22 pounds at the end of it all, fingers crossed!!!

    I don't think I will be ready for the p90x, but I will definitely continue to slim down and tone up!

    Do you guys know when we suppose to use the fat burner DVD? its not included in the workout schedule I have?

    Also I really like Tony, I can do sit ups so much easier now still not there yet with the full body crunches though!
  • kindred_fawn
    kindred_fawn Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Dana, I'm 29.

    I just joined this board today mainly because I saw a Power 90 group. I started Power 90 yesterday and completed day 2 today :)
    I started with sculpt first.

    For cardio I found I was quite slow changing positions during the yoga part, and the ab ripper is pretty tough for me lol but I got through it.

    Tomorrow is sculpt day again woohoo! I am going all the way to 90 days with this, then p90x and then Insanity.

    I am using resistance bands 10lbs.

    I've written up abit about myself in my profile and will keep posting there too. :)