Anybody else struggle with the stretching?

I feel so silly asking about this, but does anybody else struggle with the stretching? I've never been a flexible person, but I can hardly do any of them! I try to push myself to go further down each day, but I almost feel like the stretching is becoming a workout, and thus defeating the purpose of it. I have no trouble with most of the exercises and can keep good form in those.

My biggest issue is that I can't bend down and touch my hands to the floor. I'll try and adjust by going as far as I can, but I feel like I'm not getting the full stretch like this. Any advice?


  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    My flexibility has improved leaps and bounds since I started stretching everyday. Just keep working on it. As long as you are feeling the stretch in the muscle, you've gone far enough. The after warmup stretch I do follow exactly, but the end of workout one I do my own, as I find that his stretches don't quite work for me - my calves need a lot more stretching, as do my hips.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    keep tryig, but if you know what areas you need to stretch, then go ahead and do your own streches....just remember, you have to hold your strech for at least 20 seconds for it to really be effective and do not bounce in ur streches, keep breathing and try to relax into them.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Um, well I have no trouble with the stretching but I find myself not wanting to hold the poses that long. so then maybe you can do what I do. and IMPROVISE some of the stretches. like on the ones you cant do, instead of doin that one.. Do a different one.. Like sometimes I do stretches Shaun T dont even do on their. such as: Stretching arm pulls from side to side or above the head, behind the back..
    sittin on the floor touchin toes, or twists. just ne thing .. I dont think u have to follow him to a T just as long as your stretching period..
    just a tip :)
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    It's not so much that I struggle because of flexibility...but my quads seems to burn when I'm holding some of the stretches too long and I have to get up and rest. I don't know if maybe I'm not doing the stretch properly or what...