
abecker84 Posts: 22 Member
Hi ladies I'm new to this group and to MFP, i had a little girl 9 weeks ago and she is my first, I have lost all the weight I put on during m pregnancy but I have a lot to lose I'm aiming for about 30kgs if not a little more
I'm from Australia, Melbourne and would be great to have some mummy friends trying to do the same thing :)


  • Evansmama29
    Evansmama29 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi there! When I joined MFP in January I had an 8month old little boy - now he'll be a year old next week - ahhh!! I've already lost 19 of the 34 lbs I want to lose (thanks to this site.) Would love to be your friend. Feel free to request me if you'd like. And congrats on your little girl - she's beautiful!
  • Bmjnash
    Bmjnash Posts: 101 Member
    Hi I just had my 2 nd little Guy at the beginning of March. 5 more lbs and I am at my pre baby weight. But still more to lose after that. Feel free to add me. And congratulations
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Hi I had baby #6 last July. You can friend me also. Congrats on your sweet little one.

    I joined MFP in January. I have lost the baby weight I am now working on the extra that likes to hang around.
  • diverdi
    diverdi Posts: 64 Member

    I've sent you a message. I had a little boy 10 weeks ago. I joined here in 2010, lost 20lb, got pregnant. Sadly had a miscarriage and gained all the weight back. Started again, lost 15lb, fell pregnant again and now have a gorgeous little boy but need to lose those pesky pounds for a 3rd time!
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome and congrats!! I just had my first, a little boy, 11 weeks ago. I lost 22 of my pregnancy weight in about 4 weeks, but the last 15 has been a bear for 7 weeks now... I'm still trying though, it's only been three months.
    My goal is to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight... which I hope will get me back into my pre-pregnancy clothes (which is my real goal)! I'm tired of only have 2 pairs of jeans to wear and I refuse to buy more!
    Feel free to add me...
  • diaz2012
    diaz2012 Posts: 28 Member
    hi welcome:happy: im also a mommy of a 4 month old baby girl, iv been on this site for almost 2 months now and struggling to lose the last 20lbs of baby weight:sad: but not giving up ...ill add you to my friends list, best wishes on your journey