Cardio Abs

sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
Today was my first time doing cardio abs, and I felt like I really didn't do a great job. I had trouble with the c-position stuff; I felt like I was working out my back more than my abs. And I definitely couldn't do that "in out up down" thing with both legs. I also didn't do the last exercise too well. Am I the only one who had trouble? Does it get better? I'm feeling discouraged :/


  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Oh man! I have such a hard time with the cardio abs. But only the c-sit stuff, and only because I broke my tailbone in the beginning of dec, and it puts pressure right on it. I just got up and ran in place during it, and then did some extra ab work at the gym:)
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    really? i loved the c-sit, ive never done it b4 this video. lol. im feeling that its working more like your obliques(especially with the twist action) and building on that "internal corset" ...if you couldnt feel it when you were doing the plank in c-sit then you need to adjust, or you have incredibly strong core already!
    try to tuck ur hips upward and contract abs sort of downward to feel it...when you are twisting you do not move from your hips, they stay tucked up and level to one another in the movement. your upper body only should be moving, spine stays straight and in line. frig thats hard to explain, lol
    now, that in-out-up-down move with ur legs together is a b****! it was right hard for me too. lol. i had trouble finding a comfortable placement for my hands, but stil try to do my best with it.
    anyways, i hope that helps a bit. its kinda hard to explain, but they dont really take time to break down the movemnt and explain proper form, which obviously is really important.
  • cyndi2012
    cyndi2012 Posts: 65 Member
    It's not my favorite class, either! I have trouble getting my hands into a comfortable position as well.

    A good rule of thumb I use is to always focus on my core and make sure it's working hard (you'll be able to tell), otherwise you're doing the move wrong. If your back is hurting, maybe you're leaning too far back?