
I gave up gluten 7 weeks ago had have seen a significant improvement in my headache management. My headaches are less frequent, less severe, and less likely to evolve into migraines.

My wedding is 5 weeks away and there is now way to avoid gluten completely because we picked entrees long before I even thought about gluten. But, not only that, how can I say 'no' to wedding cake? I was just planning on eating my cake and enjoying the day and just not worrying about the gluten at all.... until recently....

I'm worried that I'll have a strong negative reaction to the gluten and I don't need anything else to worry about on my wedding day. I've heard that when people "gluten" themselves after going without for so long that they have a strong reaction.

I do not have Celiac Disease. I tried this diet to try to help my headaches, so I didn't think I had to worry about digesting the gluten, but since my body hasn't seen it in awhile, I'm not sure....

Should I purposefully "gluten" myself to see if I have a reaction before the wedding? Should I not risk it and just say no to gluten on my wedding day? What would you do? Can I have my cake and eat it, too?


  • embclark
    embclark Posts: 186 Member
    If it were me... I would avoid all gluten in my meal or at least try to pick around it... But I would have my piece of cake. (at least the bite my hubby would be serving me and only eat more if I RALLY liked it). Then drink lots of water to help flush it through...

    I know that on my wedding day I didn't eat much anyways. There were too many other things to focus on. But don't miss out on the cute pictures just to avoid the gluten in the cake. Just eat lots of good stuff and help push it all through!

  • sweetlola13
    Get a small GF cake made that you can have. Or, cut the other cake for your new husband, but have him feed you a bite of something gluten free. If you feel better without it, why risk it? Migraine on your wedding night? That sounds like a bad ending to a beautiful day.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i second getting a small GF cake made you and hubster.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    I third it. Or pretty cupcakes that match your wedding cake!
  • RGroenland
    RGroenland Posts: 27 Member
    I would also pick up some Gluten Defence or some sort of gluten digesting enzyme. I take these whenever I am worried about hidden gluten or dairy and they seem to help lessen the symptoms.