April Challenge!! Join us!! (4/15-4/21)



  • danessa1
    danessa1 Posts: 31 Member
    Have a great week, all!

    I started a new program today. I was getting a little bored of my normal excercise routine and felt like I needed to add something new for motivation. So, I started the couch to 5K today. So far so good.
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Sorry guys that I haven't been as active posting the past few days. My Grandma died on Saturday and it has been... well crappy since. The funeral is this Friday. I haven't even thought about my diet. I haven't weighed myself either and I am sure that I have gained, a lot. I am hoping to just get through the funeral and then refocusing at that point.

    I thought we might just let this thread run through the end of the month before starting a new one for May. Any idea's ladies on what you would like May's challenge to be? Me personally I wouldn't mind giving "diet" another month, because lord knows it's been a HUGE challenge the past couple of weeks. I am up for whatever though!!
  • klv22kath
    klv22kath Posts: 28
    Sorry to hear about your Grandmother's passing. May the Lord comfort you in your time of loss. :heart:

    I am up for diet again for May. Perhaps people could focus on reaching a few mini goals while focusing on their diets in May. Then we would incorporate that idea as well without being overwhelmed?
    I am up for anything!:smile:
  • KayNicoleKC
    I am up for anything as well! Sorry to hear about your grandmother as well and I hope that you can experience some peace in the coming days.
  • K_Pow
    K_Pow Posts: 64 Member
    Seems like stress is a common theme these days...I've got stress coming at me from all sides...work, home, and my own head!

    Would love to take part in a challenge in May. First thing first though...getting out of this funk I seem to have gotten myself into! April has NOT been good.

    My workouts are gonzo as of late and so is any will power that I thought I had left.

    I even went so far as to delete all previous weight enteries so that I could start fresh.

    Trying to focus on the positive though right--I stayed within cals today AND even though it was just a walk I got moving today.

    Fingers crossed for a Marvellous May!!!

    Meafter30 - Sorry to hear about your Grandmother's passing - focus on you and your family right now and we will be here waiting when you get back :)
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Thanks ladies. My Grandma passing has been hard. It got me to thinking though about how I want to get healthy for my family and how by being overweight I am not doing myself any favors. So I am determined more then ever now to get this weight off.

    April was a brutal month. I am glad today is the last day. We can all start FRESH in May!

    I was thinking we post weekly so why not do weekly challenges? Let me know what you guys think. I will start a new fresh thread for May tomorrow morning!!!

    Here is to May being a much better month!! :drinker:
  • KayNicoleKC
    KayNicoleKC Posts: 32
    Great idea about posting weekly!
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Struggling with a killer headache today. Sorry ladies I know the new thread was suppose to start today. You know anyone interested in posting the weekly thread can, I don't mind, if I don't get to it.... it's all of our challenge! I'll post more when the screen doesn't hurt my eyes' so much. Uhg. :(
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Hi ladies. So... I am giving up on the challenge. I am really just not mentally in the space to do it. Each day has really been a struggle for me to get focused... and so I just wanted you to know. I am still trying to lose weight, I have really got to get a handle on my health. We've had a great little group here and I am sorry.