Can someone clarify the warm up sets?

infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
Because for some reason this is still baffling me. Today will be my first day with SL, and I have read a lot, but I'm still a bit confused.

I do one set on a lower weight, correct? So in essence, I'm going to do 6 sets of 5 all-told. Yes?

Where should I start with my warm-up weight? It looks like the program recommends 45 for many of the weights? Is that what I'm reading?

I'm sorry if this has been covered and I just didn't read correctly. Mods are welcome to delete, move etc.


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yes, a 1st set with lower weight, then 5 more with "working" weight. Deadlifts should have two warm up sets. If you are starting with the bar as your working weight, do body weight warm ups for squats and deads. I only do them when using pretty heavy weights (so right now only on squats, deads and bench).

    You are doing this?! Excellent.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Okay, I think I've got it now - thanks! This warm up stuff has me a bit confused, but I'll figure it out! (I still feel dumb with this fitness stuff)

    And yes, I'm starting SL tonight. The program you helped me with was great, but I can tell I've burned out a bit. I need to change it up to keep my brain interested. Also, with 45 days before the wedding, I need to stay on top of my fitness!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member

    This should definitely help! I bet this was in the stickied thread and I read right over it. THANK YOU!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    This should definitely help! I bet this was in the stickied thread and I read right over it. THANK YOU!!

    by the way if you are still squatting very low amounts your warm up weight is less than the empty bar so I would just do some body weight (no bar) sets to loosen up your hips and legs.
  • Lena1967
    Lena1967 Posts: 94 Member
    Okay, I'm confused, because the way I read that link "5 Rules to Find Your Perfect Warm Up Weight" is that you should be doing at least 4 and as many as 7 warm-up sets, although the last 2 sets are only 3 and then 2 reps.

    So that's a lot more than one warm-up set.

    I have been doing 2 warm-up sets, because I somehow got the idea that was recommended -- one with the bar and one roughly halfway between the bar and my working weight.

    What do you all do? Rae, do you only do 1 warm-up set?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Okay, I'm confused, because the way I read that link "5 Rules to Find Your Perfect Warm Up Weight" is that you should be doing at least 4 and as many as 7 warm-up sets, although the last 2 sets are only 3 and then 2 reps.

    So that's a lot more than one warm-up set.

    I have been doing 2 warm-up sets, because I somehow got the idea that was recommended -- one with the bar and one roughly halfway between the bar and my working weight.

    What do you all do? Rae, do you only do 1 warm-up set?

    For my squats which are at 145 today, I do 2 empty bar sets, then I tend to kind of haphazardly jump up in weight for 2-3 more sets. Generally not more than 2 mroe sets - frankly I would LIKE to do 5 warmup sets some days but my husband is too effing impatient for words and he is unwilling to wait out the amount of time I'd need to do it *grumbles*

    So for the 145 squats tonight I'll do:
    2x5 45 lb
    1x4 95lb
    1x4 120 ish <--- maybe.

    Its not quite what is recommended but I think the only truly important thing is that before you do your FIRST work weight set you feel very warm, loose, and so on. Sometimes I have this thing where I really struggle with my first 2 sets and then my third one is MUCH better <-- if that happens to you, you probably didn't' warm up enough.

    Otherwise I don't think you should stress over it at the weights that most of us are doing. Do what you need to get warm and loose. I also tend to substitute sets with some bodyweight *kitten* to grass squats/stretching out down there to get my muscles and joints nice and warm/loose.

    The other thing is to be careful not to do so much warming up that you actually are too tired to do your work weight sets.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yeah. Only 1 set for squats and bench. 2 sets for deads. Nothing for rows or shoulders. I don't have all day to spend in the weight room..... Maybe I'm not doing it "right" but it works for me.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    tonight for warmups I did 2x empty bar and 1 set of 4 at 120 or so, and then that was it. In between my warmup sets I just did the asian squat (ATG) and stretched/wiggled around down there to get good and loose and it was fine. Us ladies are built a bit better for squatting than guys are so maybe that's a factor. I did 1 set of romanian deadlifts at 95 and then went to my work weight (RDL because I hate deadlifting the 25lb plates straight off the ground, and I hate putting plates under there when I only want them for one warmup set and then have to move them immediately after).

    I think its fine as long as you're not diving in cold and its probably more important if its the first thing you do in the morning than if its the last thing you do in the evening.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    I've only ever done 5 sets of warm ups and was doing the same for deads until I re-read it (hubby pointed out that I was doing too many) Except for deads and rows (which I use a standard bar for and can still start at 45 lbs as a result), I do the empty bar for 3 sets, and then haphazardly add more weight and do 2 more then do my working weight. I don't have time for more and need to add flexablity, mobility warmups and a lengthy cooldown period/yoga strteching which I've been neglecting. ]

    I will overwork and not be able to complete my working weight.... and it will take too long! I'd rather spend extra time stretching if anything.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I generally only warm up for squats because they are first. I will do the bar or maybe even a bunch of bodyweight squats. Sometimes I do goblet squats with a 20 lb dumbbell for a bunch of reps.
  • Lena1967
    Lena1967 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I won't feel bad about my brief warm-ups then. I'm like you, Irridia, I would rather spend more time stretching. And I'd rather not spend too long on the whole thing -- that was part of the appeal of SL5x5 in the first place!