Do you have monthly TMMO goals and MFP goals?



  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Oh yeah, and staying away from Mountain Dew Throwback- or any other sodas! I gave up sodas for Lent, so I didn't have too many issues until Sunday. Sweet and sugary is my weakness!!!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    I've pretty much given up soda. I love Coke and will have one every once in awhile but mostly I have switched to water or Arnold Palmers!

    Good luck this week you can do it! And planting the garden totally counts! It is so much work. We have tons of seedlings inside and just removed a huge raised bed garden and are going to put in a new garden. I'm not looking forward to building the new one. We have a terrible time with squirrels, chipmunnks, groundhogs, and deer.
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Well... one of my dining out nights is going to be tonight... I have already downloaded nutritional information and input a guesstimate of what I'll be eating- now the hard part will be sticking with it! But, the positive part is that I went down to the work gym to do 2 15 minutes walks today (one in the morning and one this afternoon). They weren't high intensity since I was still in work clothes, but it helped to burn some calories!

    How are you doing on your goals for the week?
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    No exercise and no restaurants so far.... Well, wait I think i did workout on Monday. That's right I had a good 30 minute run on Monday. Nothing since then. It got kind of raw out and I don't want to run outside. Then tonight we were going to go to the Y but my BF had plans with a friend and we ran out of time. The good news is I weighed 161.8 this morning so my weight is heading in the right direction.

    I hope that you had a great dinner out tonight! I am missing that as it was really our only luxury. Next month should be more balanced without the extra $800 worth of bills that hit this month.
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Well, I can possibly make you feel a little better about dinner last night... It was supposed to be date night at PF Chang's. Instead we got there and there was a 45-60 minute wait. I have a hard time waiting over 5 minutes for the privilege to pay for food when I know there are other places I can go. So, we waited about 20 (to make bf happy), but between the noise and crowd, I finally gave up. It had been a crappy day (friend's daughter lost her battle with cancer) and I just lost all interest and decided to go home. Since I had only eaten about 400 calories all day, and it was 7 PM, I knew I needed to eat something. So, I ended up eating Taco Bell... Yes, you read that right- I wasted one of my dinners out on Taco Bell. But, it was quick, easy and within my limit to I figure it worked.

    CONGRATS on your weight moving the right direction! Mine was steady this morning, but I can't be too surprised on that considering yesterday's consumption. Hopefully we'll both have good exercise days today!!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Oh that stinks.... I do love Taco Bell though :love:

    I made a great dinner tonight for BF, steak with sauteed mushrooms (well he did the steak), baked potato, salad, with home made pineapple upside down cake. Dinner was delicious, then one of his friends called - a real yahoo and now he is out. I was hoping for a romantic night in after I busted my butt making dinner. ARGH!

    I'm so sorry to hear to her about your friend's daughter - that is truly a tragedy!

    Did get in an awesome workout today. I am really happy about that!

    I hope that you had a great night.
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    I'm a sucker for Taco Bell as well, but it's definitely not as nice as a sit down dinner with the BF. Ultimately, I was just content to be able to eat Taco Bell without blowing out my calorie goal! Sorry about your evening plans getting rearranged. Darn guys :grumble:

    How was your weekend? We managed to get most of the garden planted, and we only ate out once so I was pleased- just disappointed that my weight is creeping back up- ugh! Thankfully, today is a new day and maybe things will turn around!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Nice work on the garden, I bet that you are sore! We ended up having a really nice weekend althought very active and busy. We went out to dinner on Saturday night and then went to a concert, a friend treated so it was definitly in the budget :laugh:

    I didn't weigh in all weekend or this morning so I'm not sure what my official weigh in day is going t olook like tomorrow. I only got 2 workouts in last week so that was not good! I will have to set my goals and stick to them this week!

    Okay new goals for the week:

    Exercise: 4 workouts between today and Sunday to include running and abs at least 2 days
    Budget: No meals out this week! Just paid all of the unexpected bills yesterday so now I am broke until payday :grumble:

    It can and will be done! How about you? Goals for the week?:flowerforyou:
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Egads- I think my first goal is trying to maintain my level of sanity- haha!

    Congrats on the good weekend- sometimes it's nice to get the break from worrying about the budget and the weight!!! Of course, when I don't worry about the weight, I end up going WAY over my calories, but I still think it's good for the soul- as long as it's not done all the time... What concert did you see?

    Between offsite visits at work and stress about an impending vet visit for my dog (follow-up to his emergency visit Saturday morning), I went BONKERS with my food intake today!! So, goal #1- normalize my eating, goal #2- to avoid eating out between now and Friday afternoon, goal #3- ensure I exercise each day between Monday and Friday, with 2 days totaling at least an hour between cardio and weights and 1 extra day of weights (but doesn't have to be done with full cardio), goal #4- re-evaluate my budget to make sure I make allowances for the (unbudgeted) emergency visit (see if I can float it from other funds I had set aside for travel- leftover from my bonus). They aren't terribly ambitious goals, but I think they're doable (and I can achieve the workouts at home since the dog is on restricted activity). I'm supposed to be heading out of town this weekend, so I'm trying not to set too many parameters around that right now (at least not until I get more details).

    GOOD LUCK THIS WEEK! I have no doubt you'll meet your goals!!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    UGH....sorry to hear about the dog. I hope that the follow up visit goes well. I know that our dog is more important to us than anything else in the world. He was also one of my unexpected bills but he is a priority! I think tha tyour goals are doable and are realistic. Nothing is more important than setting goals that are in fact attainable and that are positive and healthy! Keep up the great work!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Thankfully his follow-up visit went much better than expected! His primary care vet didn't see a need for him to have a consultation with a surgeon (back issues), so I'm thrilled that he thinks it's something we can manage with medication. I've also called an animal chiropractor/acupuncturist to see if that might be something useful for him. I'm willing to go "above and beyond" on his medical care, but a $1,500 MRI isn't in the cards right now (and that's excluding the cost of any potential surgery). I'd rather try to do some preventative care and keep the emergency meds on hand so I can avoid the off-hour, weekend emergency vet visits!!!

    Managed to exercise yesterday- even if it was just a biggest loser video for 30 minutes. If I hadn't set the posted goal, I would have blown it off, so thanks for helping me set weekly goals!!!! I'm hoping to get weights in tonight and have tomorrow morning as one of my 1 hour sessions! I'm just hoping I can get the weight moving down- saw where my bf has lost 6 pounds since his last weigh in- lucky dog!!! Granted, I know I can't expect those kinds of results, but I'd like to stop gaining/losing the same pound I've been dealing with for about 2 weeks :noway:

    Not to get personal, but how did your weigh in go? You mentioned you didn't really have a good idea where you'd come in after not weighing in over the weekend- everything ok, or at least what you expected?
  • jpburcham
    jpburcham Posts: 98 Member
    Well, since I just "joined" this group, I should probably introduce myself:
    I'm Joe, married to Teresa, (my beautiful bride of 35 years).
    We live in Broomfield, Colorado.
    We have been following Dave for almost 7 years now. We have facilitated 9 FPU classes so far.
    We are currently working on Baby Step 7. Yep ~ paid the home off in 2009.
    I attended the Dave Ramsey Counselor Training in 2008, and counsel for ministry within our Church.

    I'm working on loosing another 50-60 lbs here on MFP.
    I'm happy to have read most of the group interaction so far, and looking forward to new friendships.

    OK - I'll keep this short!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Joe! CONGRATS to you and Teresa!!!! Sounds like you guys have worked hard and remained dedicated to DR- and one another (35 years is no easy feat) :happy:

    I was just having the "I need to get back on the FPU bandwagon" talk with myself earlier today. I've found myself using my debit card a little more than normal lately (still have some bonus money tucked away) and realized today just how much I've spent :blushing: Can't help but laugh b/c the message from DR's Message a Day calendar is "Good debt management is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge." At least I know what I need to work on, right? Haha
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome Joe!

    Okay so I fell off of both wagons in the end of April :blushing: but I will get it back!

    MFP goal of the week: - get back on the workout track! Get in at least 3 cardio workouts with abs too!
    DR goal: Ok today is BF birthday and he last his dad last May so I am his family and want to make sure it is a special day for him. I'm thinking we may go out to dinner tonight as I have been tough on the no eating out policy. After that I will go back to being a hardliner!

    How about you guys? Happy Monday.
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Happy birthday to your BF! Hope y'all had a great day!

    I wish I could say I stayed on track, but I'd be lying. I was completely lazy last week, and am not off to a great start this week. I'm going to try to get in 4 workouts (at least 1 run, 2 days of weights and something to fill in the other day- plus probably some combinations of the activities).

    For DR, I had a reality check last night so I've now replenished the envelopes I "borrowed" from, and have started re-allocating the funds I have left for previously planned activities. Its looking like I'm going to have to tighten up a little for the next few months, but it will be worth it to actually cash flow some trips AND still have money for the essentials! My goal is to stay on track- and ask my boyfriend/accountability buddy to (kindly) check with me when he sees me pulling out the debit card OR pillaging the other envelopes to pay for stuff. I love the concept of DR's system, but it's definitely NOT easy! It will, however, be worth it when I am able to cash flow Christmas, birthdays, etc. :bigsmile:

    How about you, Joe? Any goals for the week?
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    UGH - I weighed in this morning - 166:explode: No one to blame but myself. I was 160 pounds about two weeks ago. My MFP is about to pick up with a vengence. I was so close to getting into the 150's and I let myself go....

    As for DR - ugh work to be dnoe there too. I'm embarassed to admit that I had to borrow from my emergency fund and still overdrew my account last month. PArtly becasue of the unexpected $1k of bills. I'm hoping that thebudget will be better this month but here we are on the 2nd and I haven't worked out the budget yet. That is on today's to do list.

    Both of these goals are hard!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Yes, both of the goals are difficult, but that's what makes them worth pursuing, right? We'll be better as a result of achieving the goals and we'll REALLY appreciate them when we get there! (At least this is what I keep telling myself...)

    Sorry about the weight gain- it's just a temporary setback, but I understand it can be frustrating. I'm still losing/gaining the same weight and hoping I'll eventually break through and start losing... You WILL make it to the 150's- and in time for the summer! :bigsmile:

    Ah the budget... Some months it seems so easy and then other months it's nearly impossible to get psyched up for it. Regardless of where you end up on it, you'll feel better knowing you sat down and did it! I don't always like what I see, but I like knowing what my goals/guidelines are. At least it's better than running around willy nilly!

    Good luck on your goals this week!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks - you too! Budget is done and the first half of the month is tough but the second half looks a little bit better. I might be able to throw a little bit extra at my debt instead of just holding steady.

    At least I have already paid the first half bills - it always feels good to get that overwith! I went for a jog last night and am going to do it again tonight!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    How's your week going?

    I'm still struggling with needs vs wants with my budget this week :sad: Some weeks it feels easy, and then there's all the other times.... Oh well, at least I'm limited as to how much I can indulge (no credit cards will do that to a girl!)

    Doing ok on the exercise- got my weights in Wednesday morning and will do them again tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow's run will actually be a run versus the run/walk I had this morning. The humidity was almost unbearable!

    Hope you're having a great week!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Ok, so moment to celebrate the little things. I'm still fudging with my FPU program a little b/c DR would NOT condone me taking vacations (even with leftover budget money) while I still have credit card debt, but... I am. Anyway, I went out this weekend and did a little shopping for some clothes to take on the trips. Bought everything on sale, and spent ONLY cash- no credit/debit. Of course, I wiped out the clothing budget, but I have what I need and will make it work with existing items for the rest. It may not be much, but if I had been in this same situation 12 months ago, I would have spent 3x as much money and it would have all been on credit!

    Managed to get in 4 days of exercise and my 2 days of weights so, overall, last week was a success! Now I'm just hoping I don't lose control of everything over the next 2 weeks. My goal this week is to continue exercising, at least 4 times during the week, and make sure I have NEXT month's budget started so I won't have to squeeze it in as I'm packing next week!

    Hope you had a great weekend and your week is off to a good start!