Got lost on a trail run!

vtate75 Posts: 221 Member
This post is not about a triathlon, but it is something that you guys may enjoy since you are all runners too. I am doing a 15k (9.4 miles) hybrid race on Saturday. I've never done a hybrid race, and in general I don't like trail runs. This one is 4.2 miles on a trail and 5.2 on roads. I liked the distance, so I decided to sign up. I haven't run on a trail in a while, and yesterday I received an email of the course, so I thought I would try to run the trail portion last night. The trail starts RIGHT by where my son's had soccer practice last night, so the timing was perfect. So, about 5:45 last night I decided to hit the trail. I had studied the map and thought I knew what I was doing. So about 20 minutes into the run, I realized I was off of the main trail and on a bike trail. I am not sure how it happened. I turned around to run back thinking I could find my way back to the main trail....I couldn't...I was totally lost. I was literally running in circles around the many bike trails of this national park. FINALLY I came upon two women and they told me how to get back. It was crazy! I could just picture my sweet little 7 and 8 year old boys finishing practice and having no idea where there mother was. Oh, and I didn't mention, I had left my cell in the car (stupid)! So...yesterday my running adventure was a little nuts. That said, it was a good workout. :) Oh, and I had my first bike ride ever that didn't kill me right before it. :)


  • angiek941
    angiek941 Posts: 97 Member
    Since you're OK, I'm laughing at you! haha Actually, that would have really freaked me out. I'm not a fan of trail running either. I love to run, but I can be a bit clumsy, so I'm always worried I'll trip over a root and be out of commission for a while. Not worth it! Good luck on the hybrid race. Can't wait to hear about it!
  • vtate75
    vtate75 Posts: 221 Member
    It was a great, but very hilly, race. I came in 3rd in the 35-40 age group for women. I was 12th woman overall, so I'm pretty excited about it.