week 4, day 5

meka2206 Posts: 101 Member
Hello ladies!

TOM came last night and I swear I feel like I gained the 4.1 lbs I lost last week :(((..BUT been drinking lots of water to help with that and I cant eat when I'm like this because I dont get hungry at all..does anyone else have this issue when he decides to come around??

ANywho..yesterday was an okay day for me the ankle weights are a great way to work out the legs during the day since I'm on my feet basically all day and I've decided for my personal goal for myself next week is to at least get 6 workouts in for the next 2 weeks. I will work out two times a day monday and wednesday and once on tuesday and thursday..I think im gonna ask everyone to state a personal goal for next week that they would like to add for monday. it doesnt matter what goal it is, but if it can mentally help and push you physically do get to your goal for the next 2 months, so be it! lol

I want to encourage EVERYONE of you Champs to stay motivated and love yourself FIRST! You are all BEAUTIFUL, SMART WOMEN and we dont need anyone to tell us who we are just bc of the way they see us...screw em!! I thank everyone one of you for honestly, motivating me and encourage me to stay on my grind with my health. I could not have asked for a better group! I hope that we can stay a group in the near future and become closer than just mfp's but family!

I wuuuuvvvv u ladies!! Everyone have a wonderful weekend!


  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Hello ladies!

    TOM came last night and I swear I feel like I gained the 4.1 lbs I lost last week :(((..BUT been drinking lots of water to help with that and I cant eat when I'm like this because I dont get hungry at all..does anyone else have this issue when he decides to come around??

    ANywho..yesterday was an okay day for me the ankle weights are a great way to work out the legs during the day since I'm on my feet basically all day and I've decided for my personal goal for myself next week is to at least get 6 workouts in for the next 2 weeks. I will work out two times a day monday and wednesday and once on tuesday and thursday..I think im gonna ask everyone to state a personal goal for next week that they would like to add for monday. it doesnt matter what goal it is, but if it can mentally help and push you physically do get to your goal for the next 2 months, so be it! lol

    I want to encourage EVERYONE of you Champs to stay motivated and love yourself FIRST! You are all BEAUTIFUL, SMART WOMEN and we dont need anyone to tell us who we are just bc of the way they see us...screw em!! I thank everyone one of you for honestly, motivating me and encourage me to stay on my grind with my health. I could not have asked for a better group! I hope that we can stay a group in the near future and become closer than just mfp's but family!

    I wuuuuvvvv u ladies!! Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

    Aw thanks, this made me smile. Same to you as well :flowerforyou:

    About TOM, mine should be arriving anytime soon. I usually get my symptoms for about a week before it comes.. back pain, migraines, fatigue, and CRAZY CRAVINGS lol. I start craving junk and its no bueno. I feel bloated ugh. So I know the feeling of that.

    Well ladies have a great day and GO HARD ;)
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 131 Member
    awww thanks! that was so sweet...I know the feeling of TOM, he's here now for me too. The only thing that bothers me is the headaches that I get just about everyday! I've still been eating right and exercising so I'm not letting him get in the way of that. Don't worry, it'll be over soon.

    I never set weekly goals for myself so I need to start. So starting Monday, I'm going to try and not eat any bread. This is going to be a challenge for me b/c I love bread but me and carbs don't get along lol. I would love to be out of the 200's by the end of may but that would be 17 more lbs to lose. I'm not saying it's impossible but I want to be realistic with myself too. So maybe 10 lbs by the end of May. This means I need to workout more= 2 workouts a day at least 3 times a week.

    I'm in 2 other groups, but I only log in this one. I guess b/c its more personal and not 500+ people in the group. We are all here to motivate and encourage each other so with that being said WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    I'm back, back at home and ready to get back on track , gained a couple of pounds , food choices were horrible and i felt like crap everyday, , will be eating lots of protein and drinking tons of water, hope u guys have a fantastic weekend :flowerforyou:
  • Ms_NewNew
    Ms_NewNew Posts: 88 Member
    Awwww that was so sweet.....My goals for next week is to do morning and evening workouts Monday thru Friday......Ive given up my wheat bread and brown rice this month, so I hope that helps me...Since they hid my scale I cant weigh BUT I feel like change is happening so I will continue......YOU LADIES ROCK, KEEP UP THE AWEOME WORK
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Hey hey girls! Well first of I wanted to apologize for being out for a few days! I have been on here reading all your progress but not quite logging my....ummmm.....not so great progress lol! It has been some crazy past two weeks with my hubby's grandma hospitalization and then her passing and then the viewing and burial services! I feel so drained! I have been falling asleep everywhere! I sit in the couch and doze off...go put the kids to sleep and I fall asleep!!!! LOL!!!! I am not sure if its because of the sleep i lost during these days, or that I have been fighting a cold, but I gots to get back on track! Especially since I am doing this no scale May! I dont want to be unpleasently surprised at the end of may!

    You girls have been doing a great job and I too am going to set me some goals! Starting Monday I will do Jillians NMTZ every day, I will get my 10 cups of water a day! I will cut back on my carbs the way I had planned and stay withing my allowed calorie range! Meka...you are right! We have to put us first sometimes and I really hate the way I feel when I stop taking care of me!

    As an NSV I wanted to share with you all that I bought my first pair of American Eagle pants in a size 8! I am not sure if that is good or not but I like the fit! Although I had not worn pants with a low waist in a long time! They do fit my legs and thighs pretty tight so I hope that is normal LOL! I also bought a jr size 9 jeans which I had not worn in a LONG time! woohooo!!!! Now that is my motivation because I dont want to have to put them away because they stop fitting!!!!