Moving and Losing in May!! Who's in???



  • brokentiara
    brokentiara Posts: 10
    Well this week I lost 3 lbs, lets hope I can keep it off and lose more. I will be trying to workout more this week if my schedule allows it and eating according to my diet.
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Way to go brokentiara! Nice loss for the week! Keep up the super work!
  • csouto
    csouto Posts: 30
    I am SO proud of you!!! You have done amazing!!!!! WOW... 48 pounds since January!!!!!! Are you still doing Curves?? I am so thankful for all of you and your support!!
    Yes I am still doing Curves, I am trying to stay on top of it but I feel myself fading...:( Today is the first day that I have wanted to just pig out!! I want to eat everything! I have managed to make it to 3:30pm without eating to much but I must say that out of 120 days of doing this, this is the worst day. Just wanted to vent hoping it will help me throught the rest of the day. Now I am off to feed my boys, lets hope I don't eat their food first:'(
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Some days are like that... I have had a few of those myself. Then there are other days I could almost not eat because I'm just not very hungry. Stick with it though because you have worked so hard and you know how good you feel already!!
  • jennyneel0423
    jennyneel0423 Posts: 17 Member
    WEEK 1 IN MAY: I didn't lose very much of anything. My exercise stayed consistent. I'm even running three days a week to get ready for the half marathon in September. My eating wasn't so good this week.

    WEEK 2 IN MAY:

    WEEK 3 IN MAY:

    WEEK 4 IN MAY:

    Current Weight: 179.6
    Goal Weight: 130
  • csouto
    csouto Posts: 30
    I hit my half way mark today!!!!!!!!! :love:

    MY GOALS FOR WEEK 1 IN MAY: 2 lbs and workout 3 days drink more water and get back into my walking.

    MY GOALS FOR WEEK 2 IN MAY: Well I lost 4 lbs and drank my water and did really good:) so this week I want to lose at least 1 to 2 lbs and get my work out back on to 3 days a week.


  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Totally up for May Loss!!

    Goal is to lose at the very least 8 pounds! Yes, I know, that's a lot, but I WANT and NEED to lose this weight!

    Starting weight: Weighed in this morning at 177.4, yucky.

    Goals for Week 1:
    - Go running at least 3 times for longer than 30 minutes.
    - Do 2 Jillian Michaels workouts: 1 30 Day Shred & 1 Killers Buns & Thighs

    What I've Accomplished After Week 1:
    - Ran once for 20 minutes.

    Goals for Week 2:
    - Same as last week.
  • Roserivera
    Roserivera Posts: 9 Member
    I only lost 1 pound, but that is at least something. I haven't been able to exercise do to my asthma, no inhaler. I go to the Doctors on Friday so next week I should be able to back into the grove of things.
  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Week One in the Books:

    Here's my Week one check in and my Week two goals:

    Walk 24 miles - MANAGED 25
    Swim laps once - DONE
    Log all my food - DONE
    1 strength training session - NOT DONE - BOO

    I managed to lose 3 pounds but I'd gained two the week before so I guess I've netted a one pound weight loss. Here are my goals for week two

    WEEK 2 IN MAY:
    Walk 24 miles
    Swim laps once
    Practice Yoga once
    Log all my food
    1 strength training session

    WEEK 3 IN MAY:

    WEEK 4 IN MAY:

    Good luck everyone in week two.
  • melwilson6
    melwilson6 Posts: 46
    My goal for May is lose another 10 pounds. That will put me at a 35 lbs. weight loss. I want to get back into a daily exercise routine and would like to start adding in the gym to my schedule. I am currently at 242 ( due to a half lb. weight gain) This will put me at 232....been a long time since I saw that number...LOL

    WEEK 1 IN MAY: ) Week one 1 gained 1 pound & did not exercise.....will get back on track this week I promise....Went walking for the first time in a while today. In week two I would like to lose 3 lbs. and get back to a daily exercise routine.

    WEEK 2 IN MAY:

    WEEK 3 IN MAY:

  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Good job Csouto!
  • Roserivera
    Roserivera Posts: 9 Member
    so for week 2 I lost 1pound but now that i have an inhaler again i can start to work out again. today was the first workout in two weeks. it feels great to be able to workout again. good luck everyone.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Totally up for May Loss!!

    Goal is to lose at the very least 8 pounds! Yes, I know, that's a lot, but I WANT and NEED to lose this weight!

    Starting weight: Weighed in this morning at 177.4, yucky.

    Goals for Week 1:
    - Go running at least 3 times for longer than 30 minutes.
    - Do 2 Jillian Michaels workouts: 1 30 Day Shred & 1 Killers Buns & Thighs

    What I've Accomplished After Week 1:
    - Ran once for 20 minutes.

    Goals for Week 2:
    - Same as last week.

    What I've Accomplished After Week 2:
    - Achieved my running goal of an hour.
    - Lost 2 pounds.

    Goals for Week 3:
    - Run 3 times this week.
    - No more ice cream.
    - Lose 1 pound.
    - Do at least 2 Jillian Michaels routine.
  • jennyneel0423
    jennyneel0423 Posts: 17 Member
    WEEK 1 IN MAY: I didn't lose very much of anything. My exercise stayed consistent. I'm even running three days a week to get ready for the half marathon in September. My eating wasn't so good this week.

    WEEK 2 IN MAY: I didn't lose much again this week. Exercise is still consistent. I can't wait to get measured next week to see how many inches I've lost!

    WEEK 3 IN MAY:

    WEEK 4 IN MAY:

    Current Weight: 179.4
    Goal Weight: 130
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    MY GOALS FOR WEEK 1 IN MAY: I would like to lose 6 lbs this month!
    1.Go to at least 1 Zumba Class
    2.Do 30DS at least 4 times
    3. Walk my dogs for more than 45 minutes for at least 5 days this week

    MY GOALS FOR WEEK 2 IN MAY: Well I did the 30DS 6 days last week. I had to take a day off!!! I am down 3 lbs for the month.


  • melwilson6
    melwilson6 Posts: 46
    My goal for May is lose another 10 pounds. That will put me at a 35 lbs. weight loss. I want to get back into a daily exercise routine and would like to start adding in the gym to my schedule. I am currently at 242 ( due to a half lb. weight gain) This will put me at 232....been a long time since I saw that number...LOL

    WEEK 1 IN MAY: ) Week one 1 gained 1 pound & did not exercise.....will get back on track this week I promise....Went walking for the first time in a while today. In week two I would like to lose 3 lbs. and get back to a daily exercise routine.

    WEEK 2 IN MAY: I did it I lost 4.5 lbs. in week two. That puts me half way to my monthly goal. I did walk a couple days and feel like I'm really getting back on track. My goal for week 3 is to loose another 2-3 pounds and increase my exercise.

    WEEK 3 IN MAY:

  • jennyneel0423
    jennyneel0423 Posts: 17 Member
    WEEK 1 IN MAY: I didn't lose very much of anything. My exercise stayed consistent. I'm even running three days a week to get ready for the half marathon in September. My eating wasn't so good this week.

    WEEK 2 IN MAY: I didn't lose much again this week. Exercise is still consistent. I can't wait to get measured next week to see how many inches I've lost!

    WEEK 3 IN MAY: I gained this week. I was expecting that since it was extremely busy and we ate out more than usual. Exercise did stay consistent. I have a 5k in June and I think by then I'll be to run it in a decent time!

    WEEK 4 IN MAY:

    Current Weight: 181
    Goal Weight: 130
  • melwilson6
    melwilson6 Posts: 46
    My goal for May is lose another 10 pounds. That will put me at a 35 lbs. weight loss. I want to get back into a daily exercise routine and would like to start adding in the gym to my schedule. I am currently at 242 ( due to a half lb. weight gain) This will put me at 232....been a long time since I saw that number...LOL

    WEEK 1 IN MAY: ) Week one 1 gained 1 pound & did not exercise.....will get back on track this week I promise....Went walking for the first time in a while today. In week two I would like to lose 3 lbs. and get back to a daily exercise routine.

    WEEK 2 IN MAY: I did it I lost 4.5 lbs. in week two. That puts me half way to my monthly goal. I did walk a couple days and feel like I'm really getting back on track. My goal for week 3 is to loose another 2-3 pounds and increase my exercise.

    WEEK 3 IN MAY: I lost 1 pound in week 3. I started the week with exercise but rubbed blisters all over the back of both feet and can not wear a tennis shoe right now. It really stinks but I'm not done. I will get back on track.

  • Roserivera
    Roserivera Posts: 9 Member
    now that i can exercise again. i lost 4 pounds for week 3 and only missed one day of exercise. but that puts me at my goal for this month,so i am very happy.
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    now that i can exercise again. i lost 4 pounds for week 3 and only missed one day of exercise. but that puts me at my goal for this month,so i am very happy.

    That is FANTASTIC!!!