Day 7 (5-6-12)

Day 7 is done! Did it first thing this morning. I love doing it in the early morning when I first get up. It makes the day go by so much better. Wow, I'm done with my first week!! That is Wonderful!! I am so happy that it is going by so quickly this time. I never did measure but i have been weighing myself. I went back up to 330 pounds on Thursday. Friday I was back at 325lbs and today I'm back at 323lbs. Hopefully It will keep going down now. I would be very happy with myself if that happens. Hopefully everyone is having such a great time.


  • MsB2bSkinny
    MsB2bSkinny Posts: 44 Member
    Great Job. So proud of you. Keep up the great work. I've been trying to wake up every morning to workout but it just don't happen..I'm not a morning person. I bet I would feel a whole lot better if I did though :)