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2012 Progress?

Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member

| Now that we are a quarter of the way into 2012, I thought it was a good time for a progress report!
| What progress have you made in the first three months? (Health/weight related or otherwise?)
| Tell us about your accomplishments!

I didn't feel like I had come too far in the last three months, but I just looked back at some older posts and realize that I have shed another FIFTEEN pounds!

Also, I have improved my running ...
FROM intervals of 3 minutes run, one minute walk at an overall pace of 12:00 min/mile
TO walk intervals at every mile, at an overall pace of about 10:00 min/mile. I even had one run where I just squeaked out sub-10:00!
I am looking forward to my first Half-Marathon ever on May 19th. :)

Professionally, I am working more (I'm a contractor) and that is a big boost to our bank account. I also re-certified to the latest version of some programs, and that should allow me some opportunities for advancement.


  • JuliaSchumacher
    Good luck at your half marathon! I did the 10k at the Great Potato last year and my husband did the half. I find races so inspiring. My husband just did Robie this last weekend. Good luck and I thought you should know that I find your story quite inspriring!!!
  • jim4sparks
    jim4sparks Posts: 2 Member
    I am down about 15 lbs and 31 overall since I started using MFP. I am also using a Fitbit for about the past month. I think they are both tools that have helped to motivate and keep me on track. I want to lose about 15 more pounds.