The Fear

symegeer Posts: 143 Member
Hi guys,

This is a bit of a long winded post but here we go:

So, while looking for a challenge to take on after I complete my super sprint tri in June (as everyone in my club says, you can't just do one tri in a season!) I signed up for a triathlon that is half way between a super sprint and a sprint. That seemed like a comfortable step up for me. Anyway, this second tri is an open water swim and multi-terrain mountain bike race which I have since found out is incredibly punishing. My question is, has anyone ever come last in a tri? My weakest discipline is probably biking, followed by running, and apparently the course for both of these is brutally hilly. There is a significant chance I will be dead last (lots of high performing club runners take part) and am trying not to let myself get demotivated!



  • vtate75
    vtate75 Posts: 221 Member
    I haven't done a triathlon before (training for my first), but I have the same fear. I hope it doesn't happen, but if it does, it does.

    Funny story...I signed up for a 10k years ago. The race had a 5k and 10k. Everyone started together and at about a mile 5k went one way and 10k the other. The race seemed like a good size....maybe 500 people. So, we get to the split and I am the ONLY ONE turning. It turns out that there were some really fast people (5 minute/mile) ahead of me, but I never even saw them. So, for about 5 miles, I would see workers on the course pointing the direction, but I was the only runner out there. It was so embarassing watching these workers wait for me. When it ended, I found out there was one person behind me (never saw her), but I was next to last in a race with 7 people! LOL! Life happens!!!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Look just go into the race with a plan that plays to your strengths. If you place last, you place last. Come back the next year and do better.
  • utahk
    utahk Posts: 10 Member
    I've been last. I got off course on the bike and ended up dead last. It was actually kind of fun because everyone cheers you on. I enjoyed it and ended up with a great experience. Instead of fearing last place, FEAR NOT RACING AT ALL! You win y racing, regardless of where you place!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I just signed up for my first Tri, and I also have The Fear!

    If I'm last to finish so what? I'm not in it to compete for prizes, I'm in it because I want to do (at least one) triathlon. I win if I get from the start to the finish.

    Once that one's done I expect I'll compete against myself to better my time when I do my next one!

    NO FEAR!
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    OOH OOH OOH! I have! I have!


    Okay, I'm not necessarily proud of finishing LAST, but I am endlessly proud of FINISHING. Which beats the hell out of the schmucks that either DNF'd (Boo!), DNS'd (BOO!), or never even bothered to try at all (BOOOOOOOO!!!). Both were tough races, and just the simple fact that I could finish them at all is something I'll keep with me till I die. After my first DFL (Dead *kitten* Last) finish, I went down to the tattoo parlor and got a "Death Before DNF" tattoo on my right shoulder. It's in my pics.

    In short, where you place doesn't matter one little bit. What DOES matter is how hard you try. Never give up. Ever. And you'll always be a winner, no matter where you place. I sincerely believe this.

  • ironholgs
    ironholgs Posts: 46 Member
    Even if you finish last you've still beaten the millions of people that are sat on their backsides doing nothing. Embrace the fear, turn that nervous energy to your advantage and use it on race day.

    I've come second to last in a half ironman last year ( saddle sheared off less than 2 miles in, so rode 54 miles without one and then ran/shuffled on wrecked legs ). It was the biggest amount of support I've ever had, much more than when I've done well and been in the top half of the field.

    Just enjoy the triathlon experience, even the fastest people in the world were once new and feared the unknown and coming last.

    Go for it, and have fun.
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    I came in DFL several times during spring and olympic distance races when I first started out but still had a blast doing them (that's why I did so darn many of them!). I came in pretty close to last during my half ironman. BUT! I didn't come in even close to last when I did my Ironman race! :)

    During your first race, if you come in last, it just provides you with a benchmark and motivation to improve for next time!

    Good luck and have fun with it. That's the most important part.