
angels960 Posts: 35 Member
I live in London UK and i'm getting married in July. This is the reason i joined this site so that I could keep track of my weight until then. I would love to be one dress size smaller for the big day.

Please to meet you all when are you getting married?


  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    Hello! My wedding is in October this year. I've only been here for a couple weeks, but MFP has been awesome getting me in the right frame of mind to eat heathly and get ready for the big day!

    Good luck!
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    I am getting married in October. I went dress shopping last weekend and it sucked big time. I hold most of my weight in the middle so I felt like I was being stuffed into a bunch of white sausage casings, lol. Hope to lose 20 pounds in the next three months. Welcome!
  • angels960
    angels960 Posts: 35 Member
    I am getting married in October. I went dress shopping last weekend and it sucked big time. I hold most of my weight in the middle so I felt like I was being stuffed into a bunch of white sausage casings, lol. Hope to lose 20 pounds in the next three months. Welcome!

    Me too - i have slim arms and legs but a big tummy. The most dangerous place to hold weight apparently
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    My wedding is in 50 days! Wow, that's crazy to see on my knot.com ticker. I was trying to get healthy and fit long before I met my fiance, so the wedding day isn't a goal date per se, but having toned arms and back in my strapless dress sure will feel amazing.
  • tabatha_burris
    Hey!! I am getting married in October I have been trying to get back in shape since october! I love this site its helped me lose alot!
  • sharlovey
    sharlovey Posts: 3 Member
    I'm getting married this November and I just started this today. Feel free to add me as friends. Let's encourage one another!!
  • Starklover
    Starklover Posts: 57
    Hey there, I am getting married in October and would love to shed a few of these pounds that I gained from my two beautiful daughters. So far this site is helping, at least it is getting me more aware of what I eat and what it contains! We are having a Halloween themed wedding and my fiance and I are dressing up in 50s dress. I am wearing a 50s style halter circle skirt and he is wearing a pinstripe white tux... I am so excited!
  • angels960
    angels960 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey there, I am getting married in October and would love to shed a few of these pounds that I gained from my two beautiful daughters. So far this site is helping, at least it is getting me more aware of what I eat and what it contains! We are having a Halloween themed wedding and my fiance and I are dressing up in 50s dress. I am wearing a 50s style halter circle skirt and he is wearing a pinstripe white tux... I am so excited!

    That sounds fun!!