Any students on here?

It would be great to make some friends on here who are not only from the UK, but University students like me.

I am in my second year of studying Psychology! I find a lot of the time, especially when my loan is just through, I eat what the hell I like, because I can.

I also find when I am stressed over work due in I just eat and eat and pig out completely!


  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    The "Introductions" Topic has a few students on there, might be worth a trawl? I'm assuming they're still studying tbh I didn't check dates of the posts - sorry! Good luck :O)
  • gigglepiggle
    gigglepiggle Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in the UK and part way through my MA. I put on so much weight doing my undergrad, all those hours spent sat infront of my computer snacking. I'm determined that this time will be different :)
  • becca0102
    Hello, I'm a Maths student in my final year at Cardiff - finding it so hard balancing all my degree stuff and staying healthy! Been on here a while but never used the forums and I'm looking for some friends so help keep me motivated :)
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Hi, I'm a mature student studying Applied Psych in Uni of Glamorgan :smile:

    I'm in my first year at the moment.. coming to the end of it soon. What uni are you at? Are you enjoying your course?
  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm a biology student on a placement year, so 3rd year with one more to go!
  • dilleight
    dilleight Posts: 50
    I'm an MA student. Stress makes me want to eat but I'm getting married in 10 weeks so I have to sort it.
  • EmmmaMay
    EmmmaMay Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I'm a first year student at Bournemouth uni :)

    I also pig out when work's due - mainly because my head is elsewhere and I don't have time to plan out meals and be cooking for ages! My priorities shift; my thought pattern is always exercise and healthy, balanced meals which takes valuable time planning and shopping for, or just grab a pizza from tesco and put your time into my work instead?

    That's just stress brain though, I know it's doable to eat right and do the work!
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi second year student midwife here! Damn those 13 hours shift with takeaways!
  • mariannat92
    mariannat92 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, first year Languages here! I always forget to eat for hours on end, then pig out in a huge way when I feel really hungry... Bad times.
  • silico
    silico Posts: 88 Member
    Im studying BSc (Hons) Computing at the University of Portsmouth!

    Currently on a year out to work in the industry so closer to Bracknell, office hours kind of ruin your figure...