New Here

Hello everyone.

My name is Jessica, I am 18 years old and I was diagnosed with PCOS three weeks ago in the middle of my final exams at university. Since then I have done a lot of research on PCOS and this diagnosis explains ALL of my symptoms. I never had a "normal" period and there fore was put on birth control at a very young age. 11 to be exact. Then at 16 I just stopped getting a period, even on the pill. So I stopped taking it and now I get a period about every 9 - 10 months. Since I was 16 I've gained about 60lbs, my skin is aweful but every time I went to my doctor he just told me that I had to stop stressing myself out and that I was depressed and there was nothing wrong with me. I didn't believe that because I could feel there was something wrong. So I went to the doctors at school. They ordered multiple tests, which were not pleasant and here I am now. I went to my family doctor yesterday with all of the test results and he put me on metformin. 500mg twice a day for two months then I'll go back have more tests and we'll see from there.

I've been reading past posts about all the advice about diet and I'm a little lost. My doctor didn't mention anything to me about going on a diet or trying to change my eating habits. I am looking to lose the weight I gained and I'm currently trying to eat healthy, but any advice you could give I would greatly appreciate.


  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    Hello there! :flowerforyou:

    I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through... PCOS is not easy to deal with. I didn't get diagnosed with it until about 2 years ago myself, but I haven't had a normal period since I was like 16. I went on birth control while I was in college because I had access to it, but I went off of it when I graduated. I didn't bother going to a doctor until I noticed it was 9 months since my last period. She gave me progesterone which forced a period. I didn't get another one for about 6 months. That's when we did an ultrasound and lots of blood work. Between college and now, I've gained almost 80 lbs. I'm also diagnosed as insulin resistant and hypothyroid.

    The diet she wants me on is low carb. Look up Atkins, South Beach, even Mediterranean diets. She said the first phase of Atkins (induction) is the best way to rid yourself of carb cravings, because it limits your carb intakes to cheeses and veggies. The first two weeks you only allow yourself 20 grams of carbs or less. It was great for me. I don't know if my periods returned to normal though because I got back on birth control and they're regular again because of that.

    Maybe you should look into another doctor...
  • annatin1018
    annatin1018 Posts: 43
    I also have pcos and metformin is my miracle drug. I take 1500mg a day and without it I CANNOT lose weight, have a normal period or even feel normal at all. I suffer from EVERY symptom of PCOS, so I understand how frusterating and stressful it can be, however with the proper diet, exercise, medication, and education on PCOS, YOU CAN LIVE A NORMAL LIFE. As I always say: PCOS is not curable, but it is treatable. Good luck on your journey, I am here for any questions you may have.
  • MHigin
    MHigin Posts: 1 Member
    Hi There

    I'm sorry your going through this. Like you i was diagnosed at a young age 19. My Dr. putt my on birth control and told me to think of having kids sooner then later. Well that was not the advise I was looking for at 19 and even when I asked if there was any life style changes I should be making he didn't suggest any. Fast forward 9 years I'm now 28 been married for five years. I only get my period 3-4 times per year. I ended up going to a natural path and it was suggested to me i give up gluten and dairy. Its been 7 months and I have had my period every month and don't feel awful all the time. The only other time I felt this good was when I did the South Beach diet in my early 20's. But I have to say the no Gluten and Dairy has been an easier life style change then the no cabs. I know this isn't what you want to hear and you probably just want to be normal but do your own research and don't rely on Doctors to instruct you on how to manage it because at least in my experience they were useless. I also refer to a blog called PCOS Diva take some time if you have it to go over her site there is a lot of useful info on it.
  • Lyssa310
    Lyssa310 Posts: 8
    Hi there sweetie!

    My story is almost exactly the same as yours. I'm 22. I was diagnosed when i was 18. I had been put on birth control since i was about 12 and it fixed my periods until a few years ago when it didn't help at all so I stopped taking it. I have been to the doctors about fertility, I was in there for like 5 minutes or less, all he said was "You have to lose weight before you even think about having children" So That was the end of that appointment. Last week I went to another doctor, they drew blood, and I'm going back today to get the results of my insulin levels, and talking about getting on Metformin. I hope you get the help you need as well as everyone who is struggling with this awful lifestyle. Lol I thought it was always funny how most girls are like "ugh I dont want to have a period at all", and call me "sooo Lucky" for not having a period, I actually envy girls who do, because I want to feel normal again! Hope the medicine works for you! :) And you can add me as a friend if you would like, anyone can actually. I love friends and its so helpful to have the encouraging words to help through the day! :) Take Care!