Where to start?

I'd love to do a triathlon :-) my b/f already does them but he's never had a weight or fitness problem. He loves the gym but I don't. I've no confidence on a bike, get out of breath after running with my dogs for 20 seconds and I haven't been swimming for yonks! Where should I start?


  • irishginger
    irishginger Posts: 33 Member
    Since your overall goal is a triathlon, start by getting a beginner book. Lots of great tips.

    If you want to start slow, work on each activity once a week; one day work on your running, one day get on a bike and one day get in a pool.

    Don't go all nuts and buy a super nice bike until you know you like it. I did all of my training for my first tri using a mountain bike. Then when I really committed then I put some $$$ into a moderate bike. This is 3rd year doing sprint distance tris and I may decide to upgrade. T

    The key is to cross train until you are proficient in all 3 activities and then work on bricks (doing the activities back to back).

    Ask your b/f to help get you started. He will probably love that you are interested and happy you can work towards doing events together :)

    Good luck!
  • irishginger
    irishginger Posts: 33 Member
    I just popped over to my email and this link had just come in:


    I haven't looked at it yet, but I've done 2 Iron Girl Sprint Triathlons and loved them! Hope it has some good tips for you.
  • I started with a 5k. I ran every now and then and even though it took me 45 minutes...I got through it. I'm starting to train for a Sprint Tri in May. It's a lot shorter than a regular Tri so I figure I'll build up to a full Tri.

    Maybe start out with working out regularly and then incorporate something like Couch to 5k to get some confidence underneath ya

    You do totally do this! :)
  • Iron Girl Sprint Tri?!?! This sounds awesome!! Where are those?
  • Tudrase
    Tudrase Posts: 55
    :-) thanks!! had a look at the Athleta download and I'm going to do it :-D
  • Tudrase
    Tudrase Posts: 55
    There's a sprint tri on 20th May which is just over 11 weeks away :-o do you think it would be a realistic goal?
  • simples88
    simples88 Posts: 51
    Personally Ive started with much easier goals- but still challenging. Last year I bought a bike, my first since childhood. In June I'm doing a 40mile bike ride Manchester to Liverpool, and in July I'm doing a 60mile Manchester to Blackpool ride. I'm ok fitness wise, the struggle isn't my legs it's my lady bits! People make it look really easy but you really need to put time in the saddle to build yourself up as it can be painful!
    I have never ran either, so I started the couch to 5k with an app on my iPhone when I go to the gym - to be honest I'm loving it and so am going the sign up to do a charity 5k race in may or June. In general I'm trying to expand on my fitness by doing all different types of cardio as I think it's good to keep your body guessing.

    I think it's important for your goals to challenge you, but they have to be realistic for you. I personally couldn't do a triathlon in 11 weeks but later this year I may be able to do a 10krun etc and then a combination of them all for next year could be a great goal for me.
  • naomibow
    naomibow Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Well I thought I better write something given that I set this group up! I'm so impressed that we have 20 members already!!

    I completely agree with simples88, it's a good idea to set out with realistic and achievable goals first when you start embarking on anything challenging... if you ultimately want to run a marathon - why not start with a 5km fun run, then build up to 10km then a few 1/2 marathons etc... this breaks it down into easier and more manageable chunks and also each event/race is a victory in itself which will give you more confidence when you finally run a marathon!

    If anyone is thinking about doing a triathlon - i'd definitely recommend trying a Novice Sprint Triathlon or Super Sprint first - combining three disciplines is surprisingly tiring!!! I completed my first triathlon two years' ago and it was the Shock Absorber Women's Only Triathlon in Dorney Lake... a mere 200m swim, 5km bike and 2.5km run... it only took 35 minutes but I was absolutely EXHAUSTED!!!


    I've made the mistake over and over again in the past few years to set myself unrealistic and unmanageable goals and after 3 years of entering loads of half marathons, triathlons and half ironmans, i've finally decided that enough is enough and I should focus on achieving some smaller goals now!!

    Does anyone have an event coming up in March/April/May? I'd love to hear all about it and how the training is going...

    My short term goals are:

    11th March - 10km run
    18th March - 40 mile cycle
    15th April - 60 mile cycle

    Would be great to hear what others are planning!

    Also, is anyone in this group from London / South East England??? If so... please sign up to my club's Sportive on 15th April - all in aid of Breast Cancer Care:


    Happy training!

  • irishginger
    irishginger Posts: 33 Member
    Iron Girl Sprint Tri?!?! This sounds awesome!! Where are those?

    It's the Athleta Iron Girl Series. All women events - which is better for me since I am not a strong swimmer and I get intimidated by the guys :ohwell:

    The one I do is a 0.62 mi swim - 17.5 mi bike - 3.3 mi run.

    I agree with the other posts; pick a first event that is achieveable. If you want to jump right into tris, start with a "mini" tri to get some race experience under your belt. Then if you love it sign up for more challenging or longer distances. But don't set yourself up for failure by trying to achieve too much your first time out. If you hate the experience and you were not ready for it, then I doubt you will return.

    All that being said, only you know your body and what you are capable of mentally and physically. If you can get yourself ready in 11 weeks then go for it! Good luck and keep us all posted!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Tudrase
    Tudrase Posts: 55
    Cheers all!!!:drinker:
  • gnalani
    gnalani Posts: 126

    I'm Grace and I am SO EXCITED to find this group!! I am planning on doing two triathlons this year, but I have gained about 20 lbs of fat since my races last year. I'm a little nervous about having to lose weight and train!

    Good luck everyone!
  • crazydv
    crazydv Posts: 160 Member

    My name is Cris and i'm not sure if I'm going to do a triathlon this year but i am training for one. I'm glad I found this group!
  • Lippis
    Lippis Posts: 21
    Hey Yall,

    KellyD here - been workin on my fitness since October 2011, I do a bootcamp where I live as well as Pilates/Gyrokinesis.

    Had a 5K I was training for and in the process I ended up running 2 10Ks - HAHA!! Needless to say I got the bug!!

    I set my eyes on 2 big goals this year - a Triathlon and a Half Marathon...

    Looking do both locally - I'm in Athens, GA
    Triathlon - TRI to Beat Cancer on August 19th, 2012 (16 weeks & 3 days away!) (400 Meter Lake Swim, 14 Mile Bike, 5K Run)
    Half Marathon - Athens Half on October 21st (so far the furthest I have run is 7.6 miles!!)

    My bootcamp does Marathon Tranings as well as Triathlon Tranings - We had our first Triathlon Training Meeting last night at one of our local bike shops - I was nervous but it was good to see a face or two I knew from bootcamp as well as meet a few others who are in the same position as I am - training for their first TRI. I even got lucky and won a drawing for a free Garneau Tri Top and Shorts set!! It was just what I needed to calm my nerves and the sign I had been looking for to confirm my desire to do this.

    The biking makes me the most nervous right now! I have a Mt Bike I bought at a yard sale I havent ridden it much - I am getting it to the shop this weekend to get it tuned up and ready for our first ride next week.

    We start training Monday - looking forward to sharing tips and ideas.
  • mtsnorider
    mtsnorider Posts: 7 Member
    Hello ladies...

    Love the goals. Yes make the achievable. I have done several tris - not podium speed but completion personal goal speed. Last year my local gym had a 12-week tri clinic that I did - focused on swimming but we did spin classes and later bricks. We would swim for 30-45 minutes then dry off - change quick and head to the spin room for 45-60 minute spin class. They were great - wonderful people - everyone has their strengths - some are just fortunate enough to have them in a swim-bike or run.

    I suck at swimming and I actually did this tri clinic 2 years in a row to get assistance on my swim technique. Cheapest swim classes out there. I did 3 triathlons swimming a 1000 yards with my head out of the water. Now I swim like they are supposed to but it still takes me almost 30 minutes to swim 1000 yards.

    Go to your local bike shops - sometimes they will demo bikes or bikes they will rent for you to use for a triathlon. also if if you community has a decent biking group - they probably have a listserve and have someone put a shout out to see if anyone has a used road bike to buy or to use for your triathlon. You will notice that the majority of triathletes are the most generous and encouraging athletes out there.

    If you can find a beginner triathlon - do it there is little stress and lots of encouragement. My 13 year old will be participating in her first tri in June. It is a local beginner tri and one of my favorites. both of my daughters and I will participate - my oldest if she races really well will have a chance at the podium. I just want to match or beat my time from last year.

    This is a personal challenge for you - it is not anyone else's race it is your race!