Trying to lose weight with PCOS

LaGordita87 Posts: 161 Member
Hi everyone, i was told i had PCOS right before i got pregnant with our 2nd daughter, my mom and aunt had both had it so to me it didn't seem like a huge deal so i never really worried about it. After i had my 2nd daughter I was able to lose 40 lbs. within about a year and a half but it stopped, no matter what i do for the past year and a half my weight goes up and down like crazy and i just recently realized that maybe it could be from the PCOS. Does anyone have any helpful hints on ways to lose weight with PCOS? My husband and I want a 3rd child in the next couple years but i really wanted to wait to start trying again until i was in a healthy weight range. With my 2 girls it took us months of trying to get pregnant and i was tracking my period/ovulation like crazy on and i was hoping to make the next time we try a less stressful time by losing some weight(my doctor said the more i lose the better chance i have of getting pregnant right away when we do decide to start trying).


  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    It's going to be on how you eat. I know I have put on here how to eat and it balances out your hormones, so you lose and ovulate better too. I need to see what is going on. I finally got my TOM to the point where it comes every 30 to 37 days.
  • greenmonkeybee
    greenmonkeybee Posts: 7 Member
    Diet and exercise together. Watch your carbs and sugars. I recently asked to be put on Metformin because I've also heard that is very helpful in losing weight with the insulin issues that come along with PCOS.