Eye problems - again!

Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
For those of you MSer's that also have Optic Neuritis......

I've noticed the last couple of days that my vision is doing wild and wonderful things. Besides having my eye socket feel like it's swelling and about to burst out of its place, and dizzy spells, today I realized that my printer isn't really running low on toner like I thought. For about a week I've been making someone else check before I send anything out to a client because I couldn't tell if the printing was even all over the page. Today when I was reading on the computer screen words would suddenly look like half the word was faded and half the word was bold.

I've put a call into my neuro and should hear tomorrow if I need more tests. Have any of you experienced this?



  • zb357
    zb357 Posts: 9
    Funny but I just started to feel OK today, I had a bad headache for the past 3 days with a blind area in my left eye..same thing, I couldn't really see out of it without moving my head around. Everything was like looking thru swirling water! I did have a headache tho' so I chalked it up to a migraine after looking up the symptoms online? I have had MS for 20 years but still have trouble attributing mysterious symptoms to MS or some other cause. I had been taking topomax for several years for headaches, so I hadn't had one for a long time. I dropped the topomax about 6-8 monthes ago ..just obstinate , thinking I hate taking so many meds... ah, I don't know if this was migraine symptoms or not, but I think I'm gonna go back on it as the feeling of being 'blind' scared the heck out of me!!
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I know what you mean - when I was first diagnosed with ON the simple thought of possibly losing my vision terrified me. I've accepted the fact that it will never be what it was but I don't ignore little things anymore - if something funky is going on I make sure I report it.

    I was just thinking this morning - if I had been given a choice between having the MS put me in a wheelchair instead of affecting my eyes and my cognitive functions which would I chose?

  • qcbuttercup
    qcbuttercup Posts: 2 Member
    I hate ON and dizziness... It is what got me diagnosed in 2010. I have had one reoccurance since. Thankfully, I haven't had too many issues. Personally I would rather have my problems than anyone else's.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Just got back from the MS Clinic. Definitely a flare up of the Optic Neuritis. Going to run a few tests and see if they want to give me steriods (I vote NO) or if they think I can just ride this one out with nothing (I vote YES).