Congratulations, we have survived Week 1 of Month 2!

MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
If I make it through my last plyo workout today i can say that i made it all the way through week 1 of month 2. that feels like a huge accomplishment. i know i have 3 more weeks to go but it feels great to know i can handle these workouts! Max Interval Circuit didn't feel as bad last night and i could actually do the sitting switch kicks the right way at least part of the time before i got tired.


  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    yay us! I am liking this month. The 1st 2 days were hard but after the recovery day I ended the week strong and can't wait for next week! I think I'm def doing another round of Insanity starting in July!
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Woo hoo!! Interval kicks my butt however im liking the plyo and cardio for month two. only three Weeks left!