Workout of the Day

Today I did Bob's "Roles Reversed" Living Fit video with 10 lb. dumbbells. It was hard, but OK! I must say, I am getting MUCH better at burpees since I joined this site! What was your WOD?


  • MommKatt
    MommKatt Posts: 5 Member
    Burpees are a good exercise but honestly they hurt! My sons got me one of Bob Harper's workout cd and I can't wait to use it. I am new to the site and glad to meet up with people who work out using the Bob Harper way. I look forward to hearing and learning more.
  • rachelmof
    rachelmof Posts: 51
    Welcome!! What dvd do you have? I have a couple of his dvds too, and they are hard!!! But I really like Bob's personality. He's very motivating!!
  • joebiebrich
    joebiebrich Posts: 10 Member
    I did 4 rounds with 35# dumbells