Goal weight?

LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
Hi! I am not sure of my goal weight. I'm 5'6. When I tell people I want to lose 127 pounds they always flip out on me. What the heck then?

I currently would probably be happy at 175 but the military and my doctor say women my height should be between 129 and 150.

One of my boobs weighs that much....


  • For me, my drs say i should b 185 lbs and i'm 6'1. I dont think i will look right so i have a few different goals. My first to get under 300 by the end of the year, then 250, and i'm going to see how i feel when i'm 250 if i feel i want to lose more i can.

    You just need to do what your comfortable with.
  • I'll try to find the website for you but i looked it up and it suggested that i be at 155 since i'm 5'5"-5'6". I have started my goal at 199, since i started at 272, and we'll see where it goes from there! good luck!
  • the website is webmd, go to eating and dieting i believe. not going to lie it was a little discouraging but it helps to know the facts.
  • jessicx
    jessicx Posts: 1
    So my starting weight as 315 (I refused to write it on here) a ow im down to 270 (haven't weighed today). My goal is 180.
  • I have heard to pick a 'reasonable' goal weight, you should take your current weight and your lowest weight as an adult and average them... Hummmm, that would make my goal weight 220 lbs and I want to get to atleast 175. I am 5'8" and healthy BMI is 164lbs. 220 is probably a really good initial goal with 164 as the ultimate.
  • CeliaBeeDee
    CeliaBeeDee Posts: 3 Member
    My goal weight is somewhere between 135 and 122. I only base this on my height (5'3'') and frame (medium). I have met other women my height who tell me they feel comfy with 150. So it really just comes down to how I feel and look. I don't want to be super skinny either, so 122 might not happen. But if I get down to 135 and still feel I can lose some more, then I will.

    I am going to set mini goals as well. 95 pounds sounds so intimidating. So I will try to lose weight by increments of 8 pounds. Thus I will aim to lose 8 pounds by the end of June. And another 8 pounds by the end of July. Etc... It gives me something to work towards by the end of each month.
  • jjleigh94
    jjleigh94 Posts: 21 Member
    Hiya, my current weight is 222lb and I'm aiming to eventually get down to 140lb. My starting weight was 256lb, and when I started on MFP I had got down to 225. Since starting I have lost 3lb so still got a ways to go but need motivation!!
    I've never wanted to be a size 8, but a size 10-12 would be lovely!!!!!!
    Lovely to meet you all
    jem xx