Challenge Day 29

Padmo Posts: 89 Member
Welcome to a new week and the last Monday of the challenge!

I am beginning phase 2 of JMBR today, previewed the DVD last night and I am in BIG trouble.

Hitting it after the kids head to school.

Hoave a great day all!


  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    Good Morning! Happy Day 29!
    I started level 2 of Ripped in 30 today! It kicked my butt! It combines a lot of moves and I have to really work on my form because I am uncoordinated! I felt like a spaz! I do like that it doesn't feel like as much cardio, but that could be because I'm not doing it right!

    Let's do this!
  • KM1970
    KM1970 Posts: 20 Member
    Doing extreme shed and shred today both levels. Did level 1 on Saturday as a preview. I think I am going to like it!
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    Back to 6 Week Six-Pack this morning. I didn't want to do it, but pressed play anyway!!

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • rds532
    rds532 Posts: 109 Member
    Level 3, Day 3 of 30DS. It's tough at 5:30 am! It really does go fast though.
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    Level 3, Day 3 of 30DS. It's tough at 5:30 am! It really does go fast though.

    I hear ya girl! I started a new level today on my workout and it always flies by until I learn it well. Then is drags, but then I am almost ready for another level! Early morning is easiest for me time-wise, but it is hard to go from warm-comfy bed to huffing it with Jillian!
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    Today is the last day! I hope everyone is happy with their results from the 30 days of hard work. Has anyone created a new group yet?