making your chest smaller?

hi guys, i know making your boobs smaller usually isn't the goal for most girls, but right now i feel totally out of proportion- does anyone know any exercise/tips to help lose inches off your chest? i've been doing a good job of losing inches everywhere else, but for some reason my boobs always seem to be the last thing to go!


  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    Some people just don't lose boob. I typically don't. And when I gain, the first places it goes is to my boobs and my butt. I like to think it's so I don't fall over in either direction. ;-)
  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    I've lost 15lbs and not an ounce in my boobs! If anything, they've gotten bigger, so I definitely feel your pain.