
jujuan12 Posts: 1 Member
Hi all,
This looks like a new thread so I thought I would post. I am new to myfitnesspal! Just started using it a week ago per the encouragement of my beachbody coach! I love it already! it is helping me soooo much.

Anyway I am on day 55 of P90x and I am super stoked about taking my 60 day pictures and measurements! I'm not going to say it has been easy! But I have been BRINGING IT daily! This is my first organized kind of workout ever. I am using Shakeology as well and i know it has given me so much energy to the journey.

I will be glad to post my stats soon in a few day!



  • classic_1
    classic_1 Posts: 147
    tomorrow is day 58 for me and im excited as well. I've had my fitness pal since Friday and I wish i had from the start. I've been pushing a group of friends of mine to keep bringing...I want u to keep bringing it as well.
  • acartmill
    acartmill Posts: 1
    I have done the 60 days before and it's fantastic!! Now I'm needing it but with my working hours I am finding it difficult to fit it in. I have to be at work at 8 am and don't get off until 5 pm. I have 3 great sons that need my attention in the morning, I have to get their dinners ready after work, bath time then bed time. I have a difficult time getting up earlier than 630 and don't like working out while the boys eat dinner, we have family dinner time. I'm so lost about fitting in a workout!! HELP!!
  • classic_1
    classic_1 Posts: 147
    The workout might have to be the thing u do right before you go to bed and I understand how hard that can be. That way its after dinner and family time. Just schedule that hour in for yourself.
  • dzachrich
    dzachrich Posts: 2
    Hi all,

    Just getting started with my first P90X workout tomorrow. My wife will be shooting my before photos tonight.

    I am a marathoner, having run 17 of them to date. I have qualified for Boston the last 3 years, and have run it the last 2. In the past 5 years, I have logged between 1800-2500 miles per year and dropped 40 pounds.

    So I am fit enough for the general population, but I don't necessarily look it and now want to get to that next level.

    I know the P90X program will be intense. I hope I can do it without giving up too much of my running!! :-)

    I will drop back some on the mileage in order to do the program. I plan to run a couple easy runs during the week, and hope that I will still be able to get my long runs in on the weekend with my running group.

    Although my marathon times are well within the Boston qualifying limit for my age group, I would like to get a little faster still, and to that end I am hoping to drop an additional 1 pound per week throughout the P90X program. It has been observed that every pound lost can result in 2 seconds time savings per mile on one's race pace. And as I have shed pounds over the past couple years, I have found this to be fairly representative of my race times. So 13 weeks at 1 pound per week equals 13 pounds equals 26 seconds per mile equals 11 min 21 secs off of my marathon race personal record, which would suit me just fine.

    With all that said, I know nutrition is still the key. I already eat fairly well, eating 5 small meals every day with plenty of fruits and vegetables and limiting my processed foods as much as possible, but my downfall are definitely the sweets and salty snacks, particularly chocolate, baked goods, and potato chips.

    I am hoping by stating my goals and weaknesses up front that I will be able to hold true to this program and see the results that I know I can achieve.

    Take care.

  • jbenn0117
    jbenn0117 Posts: 4
    I'm 3 weeks into insanity and I'm loving it! The first week was the worst week of my life. Every muscle in my body hurt, especially my lower body. But 3 weeks in I can tell my stamina is building and my legs are getting more toned and defined. I'm excited for to be half way through in a little over a week. I hear the best results come in the second half of the program which means I'm gonna be sweating and back to feeling sore again but I can't wait!
  • sfjohnson16
    sfjohnson16 Posts: 33 Member
    I've completed the 60 day Insanity program and right now I'm on day 8 of Insanity Asylum. :) I feel great. :)