When did you share your good news?

FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
edited December 2024 in Social Groups
Hey everyone!

I'm curious when y'all shared your good news with family/friends...I know it's a personal decision, but I also wonder if anyone wishes they had done it differently.

For now, we plan to tell our family and very close friends in another month (I'll be 8 weeks) and then everyone else once I'm out of the first trimester. However, my mom came to visit me today and it nearly KILLED me to not tell her, especially since she brought up babies and I had to just change subject!

Just curious what y'alls experience was :)


  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    DH and I went through IVF, so we knew we were pregnant when we were 3 weeks 5 days. We waited until that weekend, when we were 4 weeks 3 days, to tell anyone since we had a scheduled pregnancy test that day. We told everyone, because everyone knew we were doing IVF. (I even told the meat man at the grocery store!) If no one had known what was going on, I would have waited to tell people other than family until I was around 10 weeks, I think. But, it's really hard to keep this a secret when you're so excited!

    Congrats to you!!

  • mommynae7
    mommynae7 Posts: 6
    We waited until I was 14 weeks or so to tell family and that was only because we were going swimming with my family and thought they would be able to tell. We told the general public when we announced the gender on FB.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    With my first we told everyone right away. Wasn't my choice, hubby was too excited. With this pregnancy we told our families after my first ob appt, about 8 weeks. Then we told everyone else on Facebook and such when we found out the gender at 18 weeks.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    If everything goes well at my first appointment with the OB nurse, we'll tell our parents next week (I'll be 6w3d). It is early, but I can't stand keeping it from my mom any longer than that and if I tell my parents, then my husband wants to tell his.
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    hi everyone :smile:

    I told my mum & best firend on the day i took the test i was about 5 and half wekks (and obvs my boyfriend haha) I have told a couple more close friends since as i found it hard to hide from them with me not drinking - not like me at all:laugh: but im waiting until my 12 week scan which is on the 30th may to tell everyone cant wait :happy: x
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I told my parents and a few close friends right away. My husband proceeded to tell a few more friends. But we didn't tell everybody until after our appointment at 13 weeks when we saw the baby and heard the heartbeat. I just announced on Facebook on Mother's Day.
  • mommyJto3
    mommyJto3 Posts: 139 Member
    I told my family and a few close friends right away. I didnt make the 'FB announcment' until 12 weeks.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    We told our parents and a few close friends about a week or two after finding out. However, we didn't make any announcement on FB til last Friday, which was my 13 week mark.
  • dq1479
    dq1479 Posts: 16 Member
    With my first we told our immediate families right away, close friends around 8ish weeks, and everyone else after 12 weeks. With my second - I am 17 weeks and only immediate family and close friends know, we told them all including our parents around 8 weeks.. We have a few events in the next few weeks where we can tell people face to face which is why we waited to tell people this time around.
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    My intention was to wait until I had at least been to my first prenatal exam before telling my family but my husband had it posted on FBook within an hour of me peeing on the stick!!!! I was mortified and so angry, then I felt bad for being angry because he was so excited but he just didn't understand why I would want to wait a bit. By the end of the day he had something like 56 'likes' and 30 comments. I had to turn off all access to my page and change my settings so I could approve any posts I was tagged in so my side of the family wouldn't find out before I got a chance to tell them. Ideally I would have told my parents at around 8 weeks and the rest including close friends at 12 weeks. Looks like next time I'll have to wait to tell my husband until 12 weeks! haha

    I told my direct supervisor and boss at 12 weeks so they could plan ahead for my leave and then didn't tell anyone at work until 17-20 weeks as by then i was looking pretty thick in the middle.

    I suppose next time I would tell my family and very close friends right away because really, if something happened, I'd want their love and support through that as well. Everyone else can wait.....it was kind of fun to keep people guessing for a bit.
  • runningfor2
    runningfor2 Posts: 15
    My told our parents and one close friend right when we found out. We then waited until 11 weeks, after we heard the heartbeat, to tell the rest of our close friends and family. We waited until after 12 weeks to announce on Facebook and at our work places.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    we told our parents the following week after our positive on the pregnancy test. waiting till 1st doctor apt to confirm everything is ok with baby before we tell the rest of our family and friends.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    We told family around 12 weeks and close friend anywhere between 12 and 16 weeks. I'm still not "out" on FB but my husband's 30th birthday party is this weekend and I plan on telling everyone then. The no drinking will surely give it away!

    I've been thinking about posting it on FB but wanted to find a cute way to do it. Once I figure something out, I'll put it out there.

    Oh, I told my boss last Friday- 15 wks 4d. I think he was shocked I was so far along. Everyone is at this point.

    I wouldn't change a thing. I liked sharing the news when I was ready. It took me a long time to get comfortable sharing the news. I'm not showing too much yet and my mom and sister keep rubbing my belly! I feel like they're just rubbing my fat! Haha!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    We told the WORLD as soon as I got the positive HPT at 6wks! We are sooo excited!!!!! Now we are having "issues" getting doctor confirmation, but at 10wks with twins (I know it's twins) I'm REALLY showing so we couldn't have kept it a secret if we wanted to!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    For my first one, we told everyone right away because I was 3 months pregnant when I found out I was having a baby. This one, as soon as we found out, we told my mom and mil and my best friend, this was at around 5 weeks. We are waiting to hear the baby's heartbeat on ultrasound before we tell anyone else. My apt. is only in August, I will be 14 weeks by then.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Parents - 9 weeks

    Friends & Family - 13 weeks

    Facebook - 4.5 months

    Wouldn't have done it any differently. If something were to happen early on in the pregnancy, we would have wanted the support from our parents, but as far as telling everyone else - we waited until we were in the "safe zone."
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Even after two miscarriages we told family pretty early on. With my last pregnancy we found out while on vacation at DH's brother's house. Once the SIL knew there was no hiding it from everyone else. She LOVES her gossip. So I immediately called all of our family and close friends. We didn't announce on FB for another month after that.

    With this one we where surprised even though we where TTC. I had convinced myself it would take 3-4 cycles to get that BFP and it took one. So for our youngest DD's 1st birthday we bought a shirt that said "Big Sister" wrapped it up and had her open it in front of everyone. That was fun! We announced on FB later that night since a lot of my friends who had been at the party where already leaving comments about it.

    I wouldn't change a thing. Like I said even after 2 m/c we wanted our families to know right away...if something had happened I know from experience I would have needed the support of my mom and sisters to get through it.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    My husband went traveling for work the day before I took the HPT at 5 weeks (I waited a week after I should've had my period, because on rare occassions stress has known to make it come late). I wanted to wait until he came home to tell him, but I couldn't sit around for a week and not have ANYONE to talk to so I did tell a really good, close friend first. She also helped me come up with a way to surprise my hubby when he came home (this is our first and yes he was VERY surprised!). We had a trip planned to go home at 7 weeks where we told my parents and his mom, but the rest of the family (grandparents & aunts/uncles) didn't find out until week 9, after my first OB appt. This worked out well for my MIL as she was dying to tell her sisters she was going to be a grandma! lol The rest of the family and friends will find out via FB after the next OB appt/baby moon (will be 13 wks then). Since we don't want to know the gender there's no point in waiting that long to tell everyone else.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    For my last two pregnancies I told my close family and friends straight away. I figured if anything went wrong, I'd need their love and support. This time I'm a little more wary, oddly I feel a bit like I've been naughty getting pregnant at almost 39 years old, when I already have 2 children!? Also I'm concerned that I'm more likely to miscarry due to my age!? Still, I've told my closest friends already (I'm 6 weeks ish), but haven't spoken to my Mum since finding out, I honestly don't think I could not tell her, so as soon as she knows that starts the ball rolling ...
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    On the Friday I took the test, we told my mother and one close friend. By the time I returned to work (Wednesday) I was forced to tell my command. In the Navy we are required to notify them within 2 weeks of finding out but I also had my fitness test that week, and I did not want to do the sit-ups. I'm waiting until my first OB appt (7/23) to tell anyone else. But my husband has already told his division and half the people on his sub. So I guess the cat's out of the bag. I'll probably be in the maternity uniform within the next 3 weeks (since one is so fitted I can't hide it).
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    So I think we are going to tell my hubbys parents this weekend about our "expecting bundle of joy" This is going to be such a great weekend. My hubby is their ONLY child and even though they love the kids (mine from a previous marriage) but now ours :) very very much this will be the first BABY for them. They are going to be so super excited! i am thinking of getting a cute onsie that says something like grandparents and a thank you card, wrapping it up (they will think its a thank you from helping with the wedding) and then when they open it its the announcement of our newest addition. His mom actually thinks i still have my IUD in, we did not tell her I had it removed even though she asks us to have it removed every week. We wanted it to be a complete suprise.
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    We told our parents right away, about 5 weeks. Mine were too excited to keep quiet, so I agreed they could tell other family and their friends as long as they also agreed to tell them if we had unfortunate news at our first appointment.

    We had our first appointment at 9 weeks and told our close friends and his family as we saw them over the next month.

    After our second appointment at 13 weeks, we made the official announcement!

    I honestly don't think I could have waited any longer. I was catching myself letting it slip and people have been eyeing my expanding waistline, which has been difficult to try hide with how warm its been!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    With #1, we told parents/siblings within a week or two of finding out, our BFFs around the same time. I gave parents strict rules not to post anything on fb because we wanted to wait until week 12 to announce to make sure we had a healthy baby.

    Week 12 announcement on fb, I decided to incorporate it in an everyday status and posted something like

    "There's enough ice cream in my car to last through this entire pregnancy! Picking up ice cream for ...."

    Another friend posted a pick of a parking sign for expectant mothers and then posted "Sweet! I get my own parking spot!"
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    Wait until you are out of the first trimester. I am 12 weeks. Or so I thought. My husband has told his ENTIRE family. And we went for first trimester ultrasound screening and there's an empty sac measuring 9 weeks and no baby. We feel awful. And I feel awful that my husband now has to tell his entire family. At least I didn't have to explain it to anyone other then my boss.... because I can't pass that large a piece of tissue by myself a D&C will be happening in the next few days.
  • Wait until you are out of the first trimester. I am 12 weeks. Or so I thought. My husband has told his ENTIRE family. And we went for first trimester ultrasound screening and there's an empty sac measuring 9 weeks and no baby. We feel awful. And I feel awful that my husband now has to tell his entire family. At least I didn't have to explain it to anyone other then my boss.... because I can't pass that large a piece of tissue by myself a D&C will be happening in the next few days.

    Sadness! I'm sorry about your situation...
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Wait until you are out of the first trimester. I am 12 weeks. Or so I thought. My husband has told his ENTIRE family. And we went for first trimester ultrasound screening and there's an empty sac measuring 9 weeks and no baby. We feel awful. And I feel awful that my husband now has to tell his entire family. At least I didn't have to explain it to anyone other then my boss.... because I can't pass that large a piece of tissue by myself a D&C will be happening in the next few days.

    I'm sorry, I decided to wait until my ultrasound around 12 weeks to tell most people.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I told my mom the same day I took the test...told my Step-dad at 8 weeks because we needed a way to hurry him up with helping us do a renovation to include the new nursery :laugh:

    Told close family at 11/12 weeks when it was "safer" and we had the first screenings and everything was showing normal.

    Told facebook and friends somewhere around 16 weeks when we found out the sex

    Told my boss/work around 18 weeks when my pants were not fitting as well anymore :bigsmile:
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    This has been really hard for me. I just can't keep a secret, especially about something like this. I am only 8 weeks along and I have told most of my family and close friends. The way I figure it is that the main reason to wait is in case something goes wrong. To be honest, I am the kind of person and have the kind of relationships with my friends and family, that I would have to tell them if something went wrong anyway....
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    This has been really hard for me. I just can't keep a secret, especially about something like this. I am only 8 weeks along and I have told most of my family and close friends. The way I figure it is that the main reason to wait is in case something goes wrong. To be honest, I am the kind of person and have the kind of relationships with my friends and family, that I would have to tell them if something went wrong anyway....

    I did the same thing, only told the people that I wanted to help me through something if something bad happened, I just had fewer people! :smile:
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Told facebook and friends somewhere around 16 weeks when we found out the sex

    Told my boss/work around 18 weeks when my pants were not fitting as well anymore :bigsmile:

    18 weeks? Wow! I only made it to 13 weeks before telling work. I'm sure my boss knew something was up because I was suddenly going to the doctor more frequently (between my regular doc and OB, I was there 4 times in 5-6 weeks), but she was still surprised when I told her. Physically, I probably could have waited until about 22 weeks before telling anybody because although I'd gained weight, I didn't have a belly. I pretty much just told because it was hard to keep in, plus I felt weird asking for time off to go to the doctor without giving a reason or raising suspicion (even though I know I didn't need to tell). One coworker claimed she had it figured out before I shared the news just because of the sudden change in my bra size!

    I didn't "announce" it on FB, but I updated my status to "The bun is half baked. 20 weeks down, 20 to go!" at the 20w point. Our close friends/family already knew, and I only had a couple of "others" catch on. I have an album of belly pics, but the audience is quite limited.
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