New P90ers?

Just started Day 1 of P90....not easy, I can feel it! Glad that I did not get the P90x YET!! Anyone else just starting?:drinker:


  • i plan on starting tomorrow!!
  • mkshortall
    mkshortall Posts: 38 Member
    I didn't just start but I remember how hard it was at first. I am almost 60 Days in now and really can see the difference, especially in how I feel! Keep pushing play! If there is anything that I can do to help let me know. :smile:
  • hcdawg
    hcdawg Posts: 69
    Starting P90 on Monday 5/7! Very excited to get going and cant wait to see some results!
  • I skipped P90 and went straight for P90x. I can't quite make it through all the reps, but after the first week, I felt the difference. I may have gained two pounds, but I found doing 4 hours of landscaping to be easy now. In the middle of the second week and hoping I can maintain the motivation!
  • mkshortall
    mkshortall Posts: 38 Member
    I am about 60 days into P90 now and have already bought P90X to do next. Its amazing how much strength i have gained. I could only do a few of the reps of each a the beginning and now can knock it out all the way!
  • JenCHG
    JenCHG Posts: 74
    I Just purchased P90 and I am waiting for it to come, although I can not wait for it, I am a little intimdated , by the sounds it hard and I think to myself what am I getting into but :happy: ~ feel free to friend me :drinker: Cheers