Exercise Goals

sunnypenny Posts: 23 Member
I admit it, I hate to exercise. I am unmotivated., I was not involved in sports growing up. Wish I would have been. Somehow it seems it would be easier now if I had developed a love of exercise back then. So tell me what do you do to motivate and to keep your self motivated? What kinds of exercise are you able to fit in to the juggle of household, job and mom? Can't wait to hear.


  • lilwend
    lilwend Posts: 1
    I'm a new mom to a 5 month old and work full time. It is VERY difficult to find the time & energy to exercise. I have found the biggest thing is just going for it. I go for a walk for 1/2 of my lunch hour - only when it's not raining. I also try to take baby and the dog for a walk when I get home, before dinner. If I wait until after, I find I loose my motivation. I don't do anything special...just walk at a very brisk pace and it seems to be working. That combined with watching what I'm eating, I'm down 7lbs in 6 weeks. Good luck!!
  • Matuszma
    Matuszma Posts: 2
    I have three children, and my youngest is 5, he learned to ride a two wheeler a few months ago...since then, I have been able to take him out and briskly walk while he rides in front of me...I work part time, so on my days off, we walk/ride before the others get home from school. He is able to be out for two miles :) I love not being stuck inside anymore. I'm going to try to start jogging/running with him soon. Also, I have found some great daily at home excercise (calastetic type) programs to follow on pinterest. No equipment necessary.