ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
Anyone interested in sharing their weekly/monthly results??
We can do monthly measurements and weekly weigh ins?
Just a thought and can be great motivation! I weigh in on Sundays so I have nothing to share until then :wink:


  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    I am definitely interested~! Weekly weigh-ins with montlhy measurements sounds great! I like to also weigh in on Sunday mornings :)
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    YAY...sounds great! Make the next two days count for a good weigh in!
    Ive been juggling the same 3 pounds for a month! So im really hoping I will have something to log this week, fingers crossed!
  • determined136
    determined136 Posts: 330
    I am down 4 inches total since starting Turbo Jam. I love to workout. Just got the Cardio Party and am heading out to "try" it for the first time!

    Wish me luck! :tongue:
  • determined136
    determined136 Posts: 330
    OMG!!!! I almost DIED!!!! It was hard but AWESOME!!! I am super pumped up is going to be a great day!
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    thats fantastic!!! i love cardio party, i have 1, 2, 3 :happy:
    I havent done my measurements for this month yet so I am going to measure on monday and just measure every month on the 14th :)
    good job!!!
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    Anyone weigh in this weekend? Im down 1 pound... lets hope it stays down!! :smile:
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    Well I didn't go down in weight this week, up .8 pounds so now I am at 169.4. However, I have lost 2.75 inches~!
  • shaymo10
    shaymo10 Posts: 134 Member
    Sure, I generally weigh in on Mondays, but I can start weighing in on Sundays. I will post my data this Sunday. Congrats to those who have already lost pounds and inches. Today was my first day!
  • Hey guys! I am down about 3 lbs since starting Turbo Jam two weeks ago! Loving the workout and the results! Keep going!
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    @shaymo10, we don't have to weigh in on the same days. I'm actually switching to Fridays. So if you wanna stick with mondays that works! :)
    @azjenz...that's great you lost inches! Guess the extra weight is muscle! ;)
    @jrecmcalliste that is so wonderful, great job!!

    So like I said I am going to switch my weigh in days to fridays, its just easier for me to remember to do on that day. Also I haven't measured myself since Feb so June 1st I will record my measurements :)
    Hope everyone has a great week!! Shake n shed!!
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    No weight loss this week :( better luck next week I hope
  • shaymo10
    shaymo10 Posts: 134 Member
    I lost 5 pounds after doing Turbo Jam for 5 days! OMG! I love Chalene Johnson!!!!!!
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    @shaymo - Congrats on your loss~!! That is awesome!

    I weighed in today, 168.6 so down this week. Back down the .8 pounds I was up last week, I was also sick two days, but I did work my rear end off earlier in the week so I am hoping it wasn't just water loss.
  • I am up a pound this week. I only worked out 2 days last week and we had a lot of eating out. I also have been on meds all week b/c I was sick so...yuck. This week will be better and I want to lose at least 2 lbs! Happy Monday!
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    Congrats for last week weight loss ladies!
    @ jrecmcalliste I hope you had a better week! I am VERY happy to report that I have lost 6 pounds this week! Holy cow I can barely wrap my head around it! :) I hope everyone had a great week, looking forward to good news!
  • determined136
    determined136 Posts: 330
    Way to go robswife! You rock!!!
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    robswife that is an awesome loss~!!

    I honestly haven't weighed in for the week yet, but plan to do my official stats tomorrow since it is the last day of May.
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    Okay, so I weighed in and took my May measurements this morning.

    Beginning Weight: 168.6
    Middle of the Month: 169.4
    End Weight: 167.4

    And I lost a total of 3.25 inches. I can't wait to see what results I can get in June as I wasn't able to fully complete the Turbo Jam schedule due to getting ill and then injuring my back. I do plan to start back to Turbo on Monday. Ive mainly only been walking for the last week since hurting myself.... Looking forward to getting back to it Monday~!
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks guys :)
    great job azjenz!! thats why its so important to do your measurements because so many people get discouraged when they dont see the number on the scale go down but inches is what matters most!!!!
    Sorry you hurt yourself, hope you are good as new soon! June should be even better! :bigsmile:
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    oh forgot to mention.. for those who dont see my status updates all the time... didnt lose anymore weight this week :( booooo...
    also i will be measuring tomorrow and will post afterwards!