Hi Sleever's



  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I got my surgery date, it's June 11th! I found out a couple weeks ago my insurance has approved me also. YEAH! I start my 2 week liquid diet on May 28th. My last appointment before surgery is next week, 5/24. Going in for a gallbladder scan and some other preop tests and last visit with the surgeon also that day. I am excited but a little nervous!
  • mmorral
    mmorral Posts: 3
    Congratulations!! You are going to love your sleeve:happy:
  • mmorral
    mmorral Posts: 3
    Hi everyone!!

    I was sleeved on the 23rd of April. My highest weight was 330. When I first saw the surgeon I was 308 and the day I went into the hospital I was 290.5. I have been weighing on my scale and it is 275. I call it the unofficial.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed. Tomorrow I have my 4 wk f/u with the doctor. I feel like I am at a stall so I am going to visit the NUT. I have printed out all of my logs and see what we need to adjust.

    Wish me luck. I am hoping my scale is not that far off of my doctor's
  • carynayn
    carynayn Posts: 1
    I had the surgery on April 23rd, 2012 and am down 22 lbs thus far. I am finding that counting calories and using this site is much more user friendly than using the booklet AGMC supplied to track protein and ounces.
  • MissPhy6
    MissPhy6 Posts: 4 Member
    I was sleeved March 8th and so far I have lost 37 lbs which puts me more than half way to goal. I really like using this site to track my food as it helps me makes sure I am eating enough protein.
  • beckisues
    beckisues Posts: 5
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm 54 years old and the mother of two grown daughters (25 & 28). I had the sleeve on January 17, 2012. So far I am down 59 pounds. I'm really excited to be going through this journey.

    I joined my fitness pal so I could keep track of the food I'm eating and keep myself on track. I would love some new friends!
  • Hi, my name is Steff and I had my sleeve done on May 8, 2012. I am losing slowly and it's kind of frustrating. I joined mfp to log my foods and see where I need to improve. I lost 60 lbs. presurgery Feb-May but, only 19 since surgery. I stalled for a solid month and am finally losing again. Hoping to find a community of wls people to learn from and support. I loved reading your stories and seeing your progress. It was very uplifting!
  • I am just joining this site , and since my surgery on 06/19/12, I have not been able to eat chicken and Oboy do I love chicken can you tell me has that gone away for you yet?
  • cbferriss
    cbferriss Posts: 122
    Had surgery on July 13, 2011. I came to MFP after I ate my way through the Holidays, I'm talking Nov-Jan!!!!!!!! I call it my rebound affair with sugar. lol

    Thanks to MFP I started losing again. Good luck with the process. I had a year of hoop jumping to get my surgery. It was worth it.
  • pwbarton1
    pwbarton1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Sleevers,

    I made the decision last October when I hit 354. I had to wait for various reasons and was sleeved at Portsmouth, NH May 23rd weighing in at 314. Today I tipped the scae at 262 continuing the slide down My problem is watching fat content or not reading further when the labels say fat free and hide the carbs in smaller print.

    I'm finding it easier since I found some good tasting liquid protiend that often make breakfast or lunch look better. MFP still tells me I am starving but the docs all say I'm ok or even a little high in intake.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I had my surgery 7/21/11. Lost 115 pounds the first year, have about 100 more to go. This is the best things I've ever done for myself. My dietician suggested this site to journal my food and excercise daily. It's a great help, so use it all and enjoy it. My biggest challenge is the excercise (anyone else?). I still hate to excercise, but it's a must. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or just want to talk. That's what we're all here for.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Took me about 6 months before I could eat chicken that wasn't pureed or ground. Because it's such a dense food, I still feel full much faster with chicken. But yes it will get better.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I am just joining this site , and since my surgery on 06/19/12, I have not been able to eat chicken and Oboy do I love chicken can you tell me has that gone away for you yet?

    Took me about 6 months before I could eat chicken that wasn't pureed or ground. Because it's such a dense food, I still feel full much faster with chicken. But yes it will get better.
  • ipinch
    ipinch Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, Im new to this. I will be sleeved on August 24th. Im 5'7" and weigh 268 lbs. I have 11 more days of my pre-op diet (sucks, lol). I just wanted to say hi to the group!
  • vmudgett
    vmudgett Posts: 40 Member
    Hi and welcome! This is such a great site!! I love the boards and the communication, but I also love the phone app because I can keep track of everything I eat and then show it to my dietician and she can easily see what I"m doing and make suggestions. Where are you in the process? When is your surgery? You will find a lot of support here. Vivien
  • vmudgett
    vmudgett Posts: 40 Member
    Congratulations! I had a sleeve in December. Had some complications, but I'm back on track. I love the phone app, and I love the support here. I also love that I have found some people over 50!! Vivien
  • vmudgett
    vmudgett Posts: 40 Member
    Steff" Don't get discouraged, there are bumps for all of us. I stalled last month and couldn't lose a pound and all of a sudden I got on the scale and had lost 5 pounds! I will tell you that my doctor told me that I cannot lower my calories any lower ( I'm at 1100) but I need to increase my exercise. He said two things: Increase the intensity of the workout and diversify your workout so you are not always doing the same thing. I had been mostly walking. So I bough a bike, and some yoga, pilates and ball and weight DVD's and I'm going to take his advice. Let's stay connected!!
  • vmudgett
    vmudgett Posts: 40 Member
    Ontrack: I have not been able to eat much steak or chicken since my surgery. The chicken I can eat has to be very moist. My surgery was in December. Every time I eat steak, no matter how slow I eat it or how much I chew it I feel like it gets stuck. So I eat a lot of fish and other foods that I like. You have to look at it as a trade off. You may not be able to eat chicken, but you are getting healthy and you will be able to find other new foods that you love. Good luck!
  • vmudgett
    vmudgett Posts: 40 Member
    @pawoodhull: Exercise is a challenge for me too. I have very bad arthritis in my knees and so walking is difficult although I am doing it and my knees hurt a lot less since the surgery. I have started doing some other things and trying new things and seeing what I like. I bought a bike and have had some fun riding with my 14 year old son. I bought some DVD's on yoga, pliates and a ball and weight routine. We'll see what happens. It's a bad excuse, I know, but I get up at 5 and get home after 7 and the last thing I want to do is exercise. However, at my last visit to the doctor, he said that it would definitely increase my weight loss and my lifestyle. So I figure since I went through all this I should follow his advice. Let's stay connected and motivate each other!
  • vmudgett
    vmudgett Posts: 40 Member
    @ ipinch: Welcome to the group. Good luck with your surgery. Are you having a sleeve? It's great that you are connecting now, because you will find a lot of supportive people here. ALso, download the app for your phone if you can, it's a great way to keep track of your protein and calories and goals. When I go see my dietician I log in and just show her what I've done and she can make suggestions. If you have any questions, I'll gladly try to answer them, although obviously I can't give any medical advice, but I can tell you some of the things I learned along the way!