Introduce Yourself!



  • karalyn6t6
    karalyn6t6 Posts: 1
    Hello--I'm new and my name is Karalyn--I'm 45. I was diagnosed with RA shortly about 2yrs ago shortly after the birth of my son.

    I have about 50 lbs to lose. I didn't lose much of my pregnancy weight due to an untimely breakup and other life "things" ... then there was this aweful pain out of nowhere.

    I'm seeing new doctor who has me on Humira shots twice a month. Finally, I feel like my old self. Its time to get moving again. My son is 3yrs old now and I can keep up with him so much better now. Prior to RA and motherhood, I lost a great deal of weight with Pilates, Bootcamp and BellyDancing. RA took away all of my energy and ability to move with out pain. My challenge is finding time, as a single working mother, to exercise. I'm ready!! Oh, by the way, in addition to the Humira shot every other week, I take Methotraxate (sp?) weekly.

    My goal is to get back into the clothes in my closet, take a great Christmas picture with my son and to get fit...again.
  • lratliff
    lratliff Posts: 21 Member
    I'm Lucia, i'm 27, and I was diagnosed with RA (and hypothyroidism) last year. My symptoms came on strong a few months after my 4th baby. Between having 4 kids (Daughter 7, and three sons 5, 4, 2) and hypothyroidism, I gained about 30 lbs, then came the RA so with the added prednisone and immobility gained 13 lbs more to top it off. Blah. Thanks to MFP , getting off steroids (well, i've been back on, and am coming back off again) , and treating the thyroid issue I've lost 29 lbs over the last 5 months. The first 20 lbs came off with just keeping the food log, then I started feeling good enough to exercise and found the only machine that works for me (an awesome recumbent elliptical - TRY IT!). I was so glad to find an RA group, and more thrilled that it has an awesome name like Ninjas. It's tricky to keep up the healthy habits with the RA still pretty active, and of course 4 busy little people to hobble after all day, but I've been really pleased with the results so far. Well, nice to meet you, i'm off to take my meds and go to bed while I can still get up the
  • tammywho327
    tammywho327 Posts: 54 Member
    Good Morning all! My name is Tamarae. I am 28 and was diagnosed with RA 2 weeks ago and started MTX on Monday. I have been on MFP for almost 2 years and had at one point lost nearly 60lbs (20+ pre- MFP). Over the last 5 months I have gained about 20 lbs back and I want to go back to losing. I have never been excited about exercise and now I am even less excited, but I want to lose my excess weight so my joints won't hurt as bad later (I can dream, right?).

    In addition to my "atypical" RA I have also been diagnosed with Hypothyroid, A-typical migraines, and a few other diseases in the past year and 5 months. I have decided that most everything about me is A-typical ;) That just means I am unique! lol
  • fuzzbugjr
    fuzzbugjr Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm Barb. I'm back on MFP after an interesting 'life' got in the way.

    I am 58 years young. I have a diabetic 'hubby' who is 66; a 21 year old daughter, a 22 year old step son, a 19 month old granddaughter, and a grandson 'in the oven' due in late September.
    I was diagnosed with RA about 12 years ago; gout, about 1 year ago; and fibromyalgia about a month ago. Sigh. Am on, among other things, prednisone, MTX, and am waiting for my Lyrica to come in. Had 2 week sample from my Rheumy, it was starting to work, then insurance co decided they needed authorization. Sigh. 2 weeks after finishing the samples, it's finally been approved and mailed. When I 'left' MFP I was doing really well weight-wise. I've gained back most of my weight -- hello meds and stress and illness -- but, it if weren't for my TOPS group, I would be topping 300+ pounds by now. For that I am grateful. I try to keep my sense of humor, but some days are harder than others. I love to volunteer at a nearby elementary school in a teacher friend's classroom, but I catch everything the kids come to school with. I am trying to not eat processed foods, trying to cook from scratch. But, some days, I don't have the energy.

    Anyway, thank you if you have read this far. I am happy to be back on MFP.
  • melisha922
    melisha922 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm Mel and I was diagnosed with RA about two years ago, although I've been living with the symptoms since middle school. I was convinced to go to the doctor by my dear husband and it has been a roller coaster ever since. I am currently on methotrexate, plaquenil, thyroid meds, and will be starting orencia next week. I've been on MFP since last fall and am almost at my goal weight. I think managing my food and weight makes me feel a little more in control of my body and this disease (Note: since writing that, I can hear the disease mocking me, lol).

    Anyhow, now that I'm near my goal weight I am working towards finding better ways of exercising. I am particularly interested in building up muscle mass and working on being more energetic (God this disease wears me out!). And I am also planning on eliminating different food groups from my diet to see if any of them are increasing inflammation/symptoms.

    Feel free to add me bc I would love the support/friendship of other people who go through the same pain, struggle, and frustration of this disease.
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    I'm Andrea, 30 yrs old. A few days before my 30th in October, my left hand started swelling. It got worse and has finally stalled out but never got better.
    In January I was dx with RA. So far I'm only on plaquenil, and don't seem to be getting worse, but I'm not really getting better either.

    I'm a full time nurse and unit educator in a heart cath lab, and am also married and am the Momma to a super cute 6 year old daughter.

    I've always been overweight, but the dx of RA has scared me. I see people at work who have cardiac and pulmonary issues due to their RA and autoimmune issues, and I want to be as healthy as possible so that doesn't happen to me!
  • KarenK37
    KarenK37 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi my name is Karen and I have suffered from RA for about 8 years now. I am a returning my fitness pal and would like to lose weight to help with my RA. I have a hard time staying motivated because I go thru times when I feel good and times when I feel lousy and don't want to exercise. I would love to make some new friends who too have RA and can understand the things I go thru.:smile:
  • KarenK37
    KarenK37 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi I am a returning my fitness pal member and wouldl like to invite you to be a friend. I too have RA and can empathize with how you feel it's hard for others to really understand the ups and downs we go through with this disease. I would be happy to take the journey of weight loss with you as a friend!:smile:
  • JuliWels
    JuliWels Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I am new to MFP. I have had the 'pleasure' of dealing with RA since my early 20s and am now 43. I would love to chat with others that understand the struggles of exercise when fatigued and in pain. I am also interested in learning what works for others in terms of exercise and if any have found diet (inclusion or exclusion of certain foods) to be of benefit in controlling your RA and symptoms.

    My most current treatment regimen for RA is methotrexate injections, Cimzia (my 3rd biologic) and daily prednisone. I have just started discussing a new treatment with my rheumatologist and hope to be able to reduce the daily prednisone dosage or come off of it completely.

    I was not overweight until my mid to late 20s (after RA hit), and my weight started creeping up little by little. Now I am hoping to help it creep back down...a lot!
  • Hey everyone!

    I'm 22 and I got RA when I was15, since then I've struggled a lot with my weight, my main problem being that I had to stop my dancing (I went to classes most nights of the week since about the age of 3) and my only way to control weight is really to cut back on food.

    Anyway I hope to meet some people here in similar situations who can offer support/tips on how to deal with weight when you've got RA, it's be nice to just read about people who understand too :)
  • LovesAngels
    LovesAngels Posts: 23 Member
    I can't believe I forgot to post my introduction! My name is Donna, I'm 55! I was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago at Christmas!
    I am struggling to get my exercise in too! Between the Meds and the pain it just slows me down! If I would do my stretching
    Exercises I would feel better and then do my regular walking or arthritis aerobics! I want to try Zumba and have seen some
    Zumba on YouTube! Easy way to shed some sweat and get my exercises in 3 sets of 10 minute class all for free!

    I'm on Enbrel and the pain patch and had a burst recently of prednisone! I loath the prednisone and want to stay clear
    Of it as long as possible! So add me if you like I'd be glad to add you in too! We can motivate each other!

  • wvfarmgal
    wvfarmgal Posts: 7
    Age 50. Have RA. Can't find a medicine yet that my liver will tolerate. I loved methotrexate. It really helped but I couldn't stay on it. Now I'm on Enbrel which so far is not helping enough (just had my fourth week injection). I get so frustrated because I always stayed thin in the past by exercising like crazy. Exercising makes me feel so much better mentally too. But everytime I start even the simplest exercise program I injure myself or I can move after a day or two (and I am not talking about "real" exercise here; I mean leisurely walks, etc.) <sigh> I'm hoping this will be a group who can understand my situation.
  • chelseagirl82
    chelseagirl82 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone! It's nice to find a board like this. My name is Laura and I'm 30 years old. I was diagnosed with RA almost 2 years ago (wow, only 2? Feels like forever ago), but have been having symptoms for 6. I'm currently on meds and we're still trying to nail down dosages that will effectively treat the disease without knocking me out. There was a good solid year in there were I felt practically normal, but then the side effects of my meds (Methotrexate) starting rearing their white-blood-cell-killing heads and I'm back to feeling pain and running tests every few weeks as we try other options.

    What I've struggled with the most is that for all of my adult life I've worked as a musician -- I absolutely love it and my life really revolves around it. After this most recent flare, though, I'm beginning to wonder if I'll be able to continue. The thought of giving it up is devastating. And actually, that's part of why I'm here -- I know that being overweight exacerbates the inflammation and I started this journey off almost 60 lbs overweight. So before I make any big life decisions about my career, I want to lose the weight and try any other natural treatments that can supplement my medical treatments and hopefully keep RA at bay, at least for a little while longer.

    I've lost 17 lbs so far this year, 6 in just the past few weeks simply by cutting out dairy -- I think my body was reacting poorly to it. So now I eat tofu and calcium-enriched almond milk, and I'm feeling better. Has anyone else ever noticed dietary changes that affected their symptoms?

    Nice to meet you all. :)
  • catlynn5
    catlynn5 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is Cat I'm 34 years old. I was diagnosed with RA at the age of 13 and now have been fighting RA for 21 years. I am currently on a lot of medication and have also been informed to change my diet again to a Vegan diet, this will be a new adventure for me. I am hopefully optimistic that this will not only help me with the flare ups that happen often but also help me to loose weight that I have gained from the years of predisone. I have doctors appointments once a month and blood work every 3 weeks, I am married with two children and still work full time, and those of you that have RA or have family memebers with it you know how hard daily life can be. There are days where it's hard to even get out of bed. I am very happy that I have found a group that others know about the sturggles of RA and the issues it causes with weight gain and loss, it's very hard to find a happy medium when you have RA. I am currently 5'9 and weight 183.4 and would like to drop at least 30 pounds. Thank you for allowing me to share a little bit about myself and I am happy to join a group where the common goal is support.
  • lglavish
    lglavish Posts: 12
    Hi All,
    I'm Lisa, 46 years old, and was diagnosed with RA in April of 2010. I started methotrexate the same day but rapidly declined and was wheelchair bound in less than 3 months. I started Humira in July 2010 and it worked well for a year although had to increase the dosage frequency to weekly after 6 months. I'm now on Enbrel, mtx, and sulfasalazine which keep me in low disease activity/near remission.

    This Monday I'm having bariatric surgery (vertical sleeve) and am pretty nervous! I stopped my Enbrel 10 days ago per my rheum doc and am starting to feel it :( - Will be hanging in there though and hoping for no complications so I can restart asap.

    I'm a big believer in meds to control RA but everyone has to make their own choice and live with it. I like to keep up on the latest RA research and treatments; feel free to add me as a friend and I'm always open to RA discussions.

    My perspective on this really tough disease was printed in the American College of Rheumatology's publication 'The Rheumatologist'. I feel there is not enough awareness of this disease and the confusion with OA doesn't help. The link is below:
  • Rowdy00
    Rowdy00 Posts: 8
    :bigsmile: I'm Robin and I was diagnosed with RA and Lupus three years ago. I have been on Prednisone and Methotrexate since February and I have gained 12 pounds on top of being heavy in the first place. I am so excited to see that there is a group of people who understand what it means to feel like we do and still want to have a great life!

    Reading all of these post make my heart hurt for all of you because I understand your journey. But it is also wonderful to share our hope and good times that will hopefully outweigh the bad times.

    I am new to MFP and am not quite sure how to find similar friends. If any of you are interested in being my friend I would appreciate it!
  • Hi - my name is Theresa and I'm 46. I was diagnosed with RA and fibromyalgia about 3 years ago after 15 years or so of symptoms. Last year I developed mild rosacea (which I can't spell) too because when you're hurting so much that it's hard to walk, it's nice to have your face be bright red too. I also have bursitis in my shoulders and one hip. sigh. I was on methotrexate for about a year and enbrel for about 10 months but developed an allergy to enbrel that caused a bright itchy rash. At that point I quit all meds. I'm already allergic to NSAIDs, and when the enbrel allergy happened, it made me very scared of any meds. I know I need to lose weight, but I've had a hard time pushing through the pain of exercising. Am trying to do some easy yoga and walk. I'd love to talk to some RA veterans who have managed to control your symptoms with diet and exercise, because with all my allergies, I think that's the way I need to go. My symptoms are not as severe as some, and they are not as bad yet as they were before I did the year on meds. It is getting worse, though. The overwhelming fatigue is so depressing. I hate being this blob that my kids have to wait on. I'm hoping connecting with others going through the same things will help me not feel so alone.
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Theresa, I'm really sorry to hear you've had such a bad time with the meds but am I right in thinking you've decided to come off all meds completely with the hope of controlling your disease with diet and exercise? Although there are loads of claims made on the internet about miracle cures and special RA diets there's no evidence that RA can be controlled in this way and I'd strongly advise you to seek further help from your rheumatologist. There's so many drugs to try and it does take time to find the right combination sometimes but without treatment you could be risking severe disabilty. I'm currently using methotrexate and I'm a member of the following RA support group Good luck with whatever you decide x
  • sisterphonetica
    sisterphonetica Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! I was diagnosed with R.A. in my teens and I'm now in my 40s. I also suffer from severe migraine. Exercise is so hard and my main problems are with hands and feet. I have a huge problem with a big toe which means I need "special" footwear and live my life in flexi clogs as they help but I'd love to join a Zumba class one day if I get the footwear right.
  • superflycat2
    superflycat2 Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah I didn't "grow out of it" I wonder is anyone really does? I got it at 3 and me and my RA are still going strong lol