Just Joined Today! :) Hey All!

Hey Guys! I'm 22, and my name is Gabriella! Just found this app today, and am loving it so far! Have a lot to lose, but would love to chat with some new people! Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)


  • Lat7606
    Lat7606 Posts: 1
    I just joined 2 days ago, yesterday I started using the app though, and today I HAVE BEEN OBSESSED with it!! hahaha! Its great. I am finally done with all these excuses I make, and ready to drop about 30 lbs!! Good luck girl!!
  • popat89
    popat89 Posts: 83 Member
    I've been on MFP for over a year and I've just kept on falling off the bandwagon - until recently. I just started adding friends on MFP and trying to support them, comment on their food diaries and exercise etc. It has made a huge difference! I'm way more motivated to my logging and fitness and I love the supportive community :)
  • Back2Basic
    Back2Basic Posts: 69 Member
    I've been on MFP for a few days, and love it! I would love to have some more friends for support and encouragement, so please feel free to add me! I've been finding a lot of wonderful recipes, and will hopefully be sharing them!
  • BookofJenny
    BookofJenny Posts: 96 Member
    Hi - I have had the app for a few weeks, and I have just started to use the site over the last day and so feel free to add me as I am a newbie who could do with the support and motivation :)
  • purpleacacia18
    purpleacacia18 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey - I love this app too! It is a really good motivator and helps me to keep on track. Plus, when I overeat or slip up, I look at my day's entries and am able to plan on how to be more careful the next day. Not to mention, it's an eye-opener to how much calories is in a big cookie etc. Good luck to ya =) Oh, I send a friend request to ya