akyraj2006 Posts: 83 Member
Hi everyone!! We are almost done with our first week!!! I have been pushing hard!!! And really feeling great while doing it!! I feel a difference but I don't want to weigh in or measure until Sunday! I'm really noticing my motivation rising again and I am beginning to have that urge to go to the gym everyday!

Soooo, how are you all doing? Ups? Downs? Things you have been working on to change? Things that have gotten better? Need to be better??

No matter what, I know we can do this! We just have to be consistent!!! Don't give up! We will knock this one out of the park!!! :)


  • saugonda1
    saugonda1 Posts: 145 Member
    HEY!!!! I'm being a Team Player This Week!! Ask me again Next week (lol)
  • akyraj2006
    akyraj2006 Posts: 83 Member
    lol!! OK! I WILL!!!

    My week has been kind of a struggle too! I am here in spirit but not much in the group! Im still pushing but I am seriously trying to adjust to these kids being out of school and trying to keep them from laying around the house just watching tv and playing the game!! that is a workout in itself!!! lol!!!
  • brittmg
    brittmg Posts: 42 Member
    Ive been doing good. Strong and determined! Already 2lbs down. I forgot to add my gain to my check in.
    When is our next weigh in?
  • Addicted2_fitness
    Addicted2_fitness Posts: 403 Member
    Hi ladies! All is well here! I went to a health screening today (offered by my job) and found out that I lost more than I thought (since my start in March!), I am also down 10%body fat!!! I am super excited and even more motivated, now!!!

    This week is a good week for me so far- and will continue to be as long as the numbers on the scale are still decreasing :-) (I am an obsessive "weigher," but working on it!!) We had a potluck at work BUT I only "tasted" each food in moderation...yet another triumph for the week!!!
  • akyraj2006
    akyraj2006 Posts: 83 Member
    Ive been doing good. Strong and determined! Already 2lbs down. I forgot to add my gain to my check in.
    When is our next weigh in?

    Great job on getting down 2 pounds!!! :)
    Next weigh in is Monday!! I'm so ready to see what my results will be!!!
  • akyraj2006
    akyraj2006 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi ladies! All is well here! I went to a health screening today (offered by my job) and found out that I lost more than I thought (since my start in March!), I am also down 10%body fat!!! I am super excited and even more motivated, now!!!

    This week is a good week for me so far- and will continue to be as long as the numbers on the scale are still decreasing :-) (I am an obsessive "weigher," but working on it!!) We had a potluck at work BUT I only "tasted" each food in moderation...yet another triumph for the week!!!

    That is awesome!!! 10% body fat!! Great!!! and good job on just tasting!!!
  • aggibridges
    aggibridges Posts: 17
    So glad to hear all of you guys are doing well!

    I'm trying my best to do well, my homework this week has been to do various analysis of restaurant chains, so I have to spend hours on Johnny Rockets, Friday's, Hooters, etc. So far, I haven't had a single item from any of those restaurants, I'm pretty proud of that :$ And I lost half an inch too, yahoo!

    @Mrollins1, wow, congrats for hitting 10%!

    @brittmg, two pounds already?! Damn, you go girl!
  • akyraj2006
    akyraj2006 Posts: 83 Member
    So glad to hear all of you guys are doing well!

    I'm trying my best to do well, my homework this week has been to do various analysis of restaurant chains, so I have to spend hours on Johnny Rockets, Friday's, Hooters, etc. So far, I haven't had a single item from any of those restaurants, I'm pretty proud of that :$ And I lost half an inch too, yahoo!

    @Mrollins1, wow, congrats for hitting 10%!

    @brittmg, two pounds already?! Damn, you go girl!

    great job lady!!! one inch counts BIG!!!! and good job on not having any item from any of the restaurants!!! :)
  • aggibridges
    aggibridges Posts: 17
    Thank you Akyra! <3 I've lost I think two inches since I started (I started a couple weeks ago), so I'm pretty happy with my results. I'm living on comfort food, too! Pasta, mashed potatoes, oreos, mmm.
  • akyraj2006
    akyraj2006 Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you Akyra! <3 I've lost I think two inches since I started (I started a couple weeks ago), so I'm pretty happy with my results. I'm living on comfort food, too! Pasta, mashed potatoes, oreos, mmm.

    i kinda live off comfort food too! i have been eating ice cream almost everyday! but i just do it in moderation! :) and i love my rice and pasta too but i just try eat before 8pm every night...... and great job on the 2inchs!!! it's so exciting, isn't it!! :)
  • bleacheblonde
    bleacheblonde Posts: 333
    I've had a rough week motivation-wise, to be honest, but today I'm mentally gearing up to combat my "it's the weekend so I deserve to not do stuff" mentality. Even though it's a holiday weekend, I am not going to just fall off the wagon and let it run me over! I'm not weighing myself until Monday morning. We will see...I hope to have maybe lost a pound, but not sure. Next week my goal is to exercise EVERY DAY, even if it's a light workout.