hello =)

hi ladies =) i'm Juli. i have a 2.5yr boy and a 5 week old girl. i am looking to loose 20-25 lbs in the next 5 or so months.[trying to set realistic goals]. getting there as soon as possible would be wonderful, but i tend to get 'stuck'. i'm also looking to do a LOT of tonning. my lower tummy never tightened up after having my son so even though i didn't get very big with my daughter my tummy still feels loose and icky. so any advice or tips for lower tummy work would be awesome.

anyone wanting to join me in this journey is more than welcome too[could use the extra motivation], i love meeting new people. =)

recent HW-160[4/17/12,36w2d preg]


  • chamcmillan
    chamcmillan Posts: 40 Member
    For lower tummy you can try the bicycle and V crunches.

    Here are the links to see how they are done:

    Bicycle abs

    V Crunch (this one is a little harder)
  • bridget713
    bridget713 Posts: 10
    Hi! I'm Bridget a 28 year old RN who has an 8 week old daughter. I want to lose this preggo weight asap, but I also want it to stay off, and not affect my breast milk supply.

    42weeks preg weight 186
    current weight 156
    pre-preg weight 135
    goal 125

    I have a habit of starting diet's and doing them hardcore but not sticking with it. I need to find a happy medium. Also I enjoy working out, but I don't have the time that I used to. Today is day 20 for me of doing Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred since it's quick and I can do it at home. But...no weight loss since I started it... I'm feeling disappointed, and discouraged.
  • broken_beauty
    congrats on the new little one =) 42 weeks pregnant? wow good job ma, i can't imgain being 'that' pregnant. this pregnancy was the furthest along i've ever been. i forgot to mention in the OP i am exclusively breastfeeding, glad you said something.

    i haven't started a workout program yet, but i plan to this week. i normally walk 1-3miles daily pushing the littles in a stroller, do squats, and use proform ab glider.

    try to remember it took you 9[10] months to put on the weight, give yourself time to get it off.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    Hey guys :)

    Congrats on the babas :heart:

    Make sure you give yourselves extra calories for exclusive breastfeeding (500 per day!) and take it easy with the exercise, walking is fantastic to begin with, and it gets you and baby out of the house!!

    If you don't lose weight, don't fret about it, take measurements, you might just lose inches first. Scales are not always your friend with this.

    If you find wonder products to tone up the tummy, let me know. After 4 kids it's like I'm a little pot-belly pig haha. Seriously doubt that my tummy will ever lose the preggy pouch but as they say, hope dies last. And I'm still not at my goal, so we shall see what happens.

    I'm 5'4
    Starting weight was 182/183lbs
    CW 159lbs
    GW 125lbs (tho I'd prob be happy with 130/135, depending on how I'll look and feel then :wink: )

    Feel free to add me if you like!