Babbling Challenge

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Today I challenge you to listen to me and learn and develop your own strategy! This past month has been really busy with an audit at work, changes and addition of duties, social gatherings (graduations etc) so I have had minimal time to exercise the way 'I wanted to' and cook like I love...but now I look back instead of complaining I should have appreciated what I DID DO! I signed up for a spin class which helped me focus on intense exercise and walking to a grocery store for lunch at salad bar.

Challege: When life get hectic and crazy don't beat self up for what did not do but take heed and see what you did do. Sometimes we must realize there are only 24 hours in a day and only so much we can do!!! So ROCK out the best you can. Then when life slows aagain you can go hard like you used to.

Positive reinforcement is so much better then negative thinking and self-mutilation.



  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Yeah I definitely need to work on this one...and I have been working on it & doing better but there is still lots of room for improvement here!! Thanks for the reminder!! :smile:
  • alortega730
    alortega730 Posts: 56 Member
    very nice!!