Anyone want to get together for a walk?

Does anyone want to get together for a walk one day? We can do outside if the weather stays nice or inside at a mall if the weather gets cold.


  • A_little_less_Dawn
    Oh I may be up for this. Depending on when you end up going and if DH is working ..... but I will be watching and seeing if I can join in.
  • theoddlittleduck
    theoddlittleduck Posts: 37 Member
    When and where were you thinking?
  • CherylBov
    Wish I could! But I live so far away from the rest of you that it wouldn't be convenient. Maybe once you figure out a time and place I can figure out if I can join in.
  • raineroxx
    I would LOVE to but I don't know if I could or not. I don't drive so it would have to be close & with it being this cold I can't take babe out too long....and hubby works evenings during the week now :(
  • SunriseAW
    Yeah, it's freaking cold out. Are you up for walking at Masonville? I can get out for a walk on my lunch during the week or on Friday before work (noon).
  • mortie87
    Hi guys I'm new here, I'm 24 and I'm a new mom. My daughter is just over 2 months old. I desperately want to lose some weight as my pregnancy wasnt easy on me! I would love to go for a walk but I don't know where you guys live. I'm in crystal palace xxx
  • smileupeople
    smileupeople Posts: 8 Member
    would love to go for a walk but I don't know where you guys live. I'm in crystal palace xxx

    Where is crystal palace?.
  • hutchy90
    hutchy90 Posts: 67 Member
    I am (and I and think most of us are) in London, Ontario, Canada. I am a 22 year old mommy and live in the North West part of London, if anyone around here wants to walk! My little guy is almost 4.