having difficulty conceiving

tyabd Posts: 88 Member
Gals I am trying to conceive but no luck this far.... anyway this time my periods were delayed four days and then two days there was spotting followed by very heavy bleeding for next few days.... i did not do any test as it was so early but i am nervous as this was first time that the periods went crazy... i hope it wasn't a miss carriage ???/ i had a bad c-section 9 years ago and never conceived since....


  • ajelove
    ajelove Posts: 97 Member
    Id only worry if you were cramping really bad. There is a site called 2 week wait that has a lot of tips and stories about difficulties trying to conceive
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 88 Member
    thanx a lot will check it out:smile:
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 419 Member
    Both my sister in laws had that happen. They thought they miscarried but didn't. They have a pregnancy test that gives you the hcg levels and tell you if they are increasing or not.