raw support/weight loss/ well-being/happiness :)

VeganDawn Posts: 21 Member
HI everyone, excited to find some raw foodie groups on mfp :) , I have been vegan for about 6-7 years and veg since I was a child.. I still however have struggled with weight and food/emotional issues... mostly comfort food to deal with years of abuse. thus my need to cut addictive behaviour is still on going... however I have been aware of raw food as a lifestyle/movement for a coulpe of years and have tried to bring more into my life. and am at the point where I see this as the only way forward ...as the more I read and learn the more I understand the long life health and well being this brings and I would very much love to meet new people for support and friendship..


  • DevotedWife
    DevotedWife Posts: 29 Member
    I just thought I'd say hi, so hi! :smile: I'm only vegan when I'm eating raw, other than that I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I've been considering the vegan way of eating, and I currently have a copy of The Happy Herbivore on loan from my library. I'm glad you're able to move forward, and I wish you well as you overcome your years of abuse and everything that stems from that. You can do it!
  • VeganDawn
    VeganDawn Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you, I feel its important to be conscious of where our emotional or less then healthy food habits came from, and my early teen years is when it really started to take over.

    becoming vegan I think is a great start :) how often are you doing raw and how long to you stay with this?

    I was doing nothing but green juices last week but was detoxing to hard so have had to take a step back... and I also went to my library and food some raw food detox books/recipes and think i will try and follow these then at some point when i have eliminated a lot of toxic waste from my body I will go back a do a juice diet for a while to clear out anything left. Im guessing though from talking to a friend of mine.. it wont be for maybe a year till I will have cleared out most of this weight/detox on a raw food lifestyle ...as he was saying our bodies need about a month of detoxing for each year or negative eating pattens... so i really need some good long-term friends for this path :-)
  • DevotedWife
    DevotedWife Posts: 29 Member
    I started replying to you the other day, but I was using my iPad and I completely lost what I was typing when I switched tabs to look up the name of a book I wanted to type out for you. It would have been better if I had just walked through my house to my bookcase. Anyway, here's take #2. :smile:

    I completely agree with you that it's important for us to know the root causes and triggers.

    I'm still not sure about being vegan, but time will tell. I eat raw whenever the mood strikes. I actually feels like it calls out to me at different times. I've been eating raw off and on since 2005. I truly believe my body likes and at times craves this way of eating, but I don't believe being 100% indefinitely is for me. I've been a member of some raw food message boards where the accepted rule was 100% or nothing. I tried hard to meet others' standards, and would ultimately give up on raw completely when I couldn't. I've since reached the point where I no longer care about others' standards, and will do what is best for me...so I might actually remain high raw this time once I'm finished with Ani's 15-Day Fat Blast (which I'll be following for more than 15 days). I'll just respect others' beliefs by not visiting or posting places that don't want my kind (non-100%) when I'm not 100%.

    A green juice feast could certainly bring about a harsh detox. I don't know which books you have or what you're doing now, but have you considered decreasing your amount of cooked food overtime? That's a method advocated by some including Natalia Rose, author of "The Raw Food Detox Diet". That's the title I was looking up the other day. My long-term plan doesn't include being 100% raw, so I don't know if I'm the type of friend that you want. If I fit the bill, I'm here...I leave that up to you and there will be no hard feelings either way.
  • VeganDawn
    VeganDawn Posts: 21 Member
    oh I'm inspired I borrowed the raw food detox book last week, so out of all the raw foodie books I'm happy its this one you recommend to me.. it tells me that I'm on the right path ( yup I believe in universal signs).
    I love in the book how she talks about not labelling your self.. and this I believe is something I need to hold onto, its too easy to try and fit into someone elses idea of who you should be, and its a lot harder to stand out from the crowd and just BE... and I know I fall into this trap of trying to be what others want.. so more.. :) I feel eating a more raw food based diet it my next step because I have lived a vegan died for about 6 + years and my health is completely improved but I'm still not where I want to be.. so I'm hoping raw food will increase my health and decrease my un-heathly pattens.. at the moment I'm eating 50-80% raw on a daily base.. mostly because I cant afford to detox so badly right now and I also believe it to be un-healthy so quickly.. anyway I must run to uni now.. would love to be friends.
  • DevotedWife
    DevotedWife Posts: 29 Member
    Seems like we're in similar places. How have things been working out for you? I think think slowing down your detox was a great plan.