Bible Scripture Verse, Tuesday May 29, 2012

Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
Sometimes these devotionals seem to come directly to me from God! I hope it speaks to your heart in whatever leg of your journey you are on right now. (from GodVine)

"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us" - 1 John 5:14

Hi, (insert your name here)! When you pray, pray that God will show you His will and guide you in a way according to HIS word. So many times we pray selfishly and ask for what we want, but we forget that it's God who knows what is best for us. He will hear your prayer, so always turn to Him. Enjoy your day and God bless :)

If you read this will you please let me know. I feel like I am just posting for the sake of posting and that no one is being blessed, or even reading these scriptures.

Thank you,


  • ErinNichole76
    ErinNichole76 Posts: 52 Member
    I read your posts Zee!
    Sometimes I open them two or three times a day to make sure I've actually read it instead of just skimming it. If I skip a day or two I go back and read those too.

    Thank you for your loyal postings.