Newbie from North Lanarkshire

Eileen_Fiona Posts: 89 Member
Hey, seems quite a quiet forum but thought I would say hi! Er... I'm a mum of three and full time student (Glasgow Uni). I'm off now til September so taking the opportunity to turn myself into a MILF over the summer :laugh: , well I can dream!

I like (well, like might be too strong) running and my goal is to run a 10k in October. Anyway, if there's anyone about please say hi and happy to be added as a friend too, all support and banter welcome!


  • Norsegodess
    Norsegodess Posts: 30
    Hey Hi, i'm the other side of Scotland in Fife. Have added you so we can support each other.
  • ScotinSeattle
    ScotinSeattle Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome! I'm from South Lanarkshire but live Stateside now :) Was home 3 weeks ago!
  • bunnyrach
    bunnyrach Posts: 3
    Hello lady! Have just added you.

    I'm looking to run the half marathon in September. I'm a wee bit scared...
  • Eileen_Fiona
    Eileen_Fiona Posts: 89 Member
    Hello lady! Have just added you.

    I'm looking to run the half marathon in September. I'm a wee bit scared...
    Hello! You are doing brilliantly with your running, I have no doubt you will manage it no bother!
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member

    I live just outside Glasgow :) Wow that's impressive... mum and student!!! I have 3 kids too, and I am studying, but only part time.... there is no way i could do it full time, so well done you :) Good Luck. I have added you too :)

  • Ltd73
    Ltd73 Posts: 2
    I'm in Glasgow's West End, mum of one (19 but not at home) and work full-time. I have a wee dog that I can take walks and I've got a "Biggest Loser" bet on with my two brothers and niece - the deadline is Christmas! So any help appreciated....... I've been doing this a week now and haven't been doing too badly. Staying under my goal mostly, so quite pleased. I've lost a lot of weight before, but have stopped smoking (2 and half years now) and I've gained 3 stone!! yikes!!
    Well, now I've conquered the *kitten*, it's time to conquer the flab!! lol I can't do any running as I've got a dodgy hip and knee - maybe it'll get easier if i lose some weight first..... I have been told by a fitness instructor that a brisk walk is as good as a run, so I'm starting with that. Hope to see you round here for some mutual support :-)
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    I'm from North Lanarkshire, too, and am also at Glasgow Uni. Nice to meet you. :)
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    Hey folks! Just outside Glasgow, studying in Aberdeen though so I go between the 2 :)
  • Eileen_Fiona
    Eileen_Fiona Posts: 89 Member
    Hey sorry I haven't been back on here recently, I mostly use MFP on my phone. Thanks for all the nice replies and adds! Nice to meet you all :D
  • Annmarie49
    Annmarie49 Posts: 84
    Hi, I am from Lanarkshire but living in West Lothian now....... got to my goal in middle of May, 50 wks!!!!!! determined to keep it off!!! got the 'gym' bug too. the big "50" is next weekend and was my inspiration to get the flab off, also, my eldest son graduated yesterday and it was one of the first times i was happy to have my photos taken as a family!!! best feeling EVER!!!!
    happy to add you too
  • jiz35
    jiz35 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm originally from North Lanarkshire too but now live in Cyprus. Hope everything is going well
  • stuart090575
    Hi I am from Glasgow. I downloaded the app, but this is the first time I have been on the website.

    Well I am now 11 weeks in, 15Kgs (over 2 stone) lighter. Which is good steady progress ....

    I have just started back on the 10Km runs, it still hurts like it used to, to better your times each week.

    Fingers crossed I can keep it going ....
  • ekalexm
    ekalexm Posts: 73
    I'm from the deep South of Lanarkshire, have sent you a request.
  • whairigaila
    Originally from Lesmahagow South Lanarkshire but live in Hillington now - feel free to add ::) x