
chamcmillan Posts: 40 Member
I thought it would be cool to start a thread of successes. I am back at my pre baby weight after 5 months Yay!!!! I work out at least 4 days a week and I pump at work and breastfeed at home when I can. I am working on maintaining my weight and toning my mid section. I wonder if I need to change my calorie intake. right now its at 1800 (I usually dont take in that much) to account for the 500 calories I burn during breastfeeding. That was to help me lose weight. I also will be starting my son on solids so I am not sure how that would work with breastfeeding. Any ways. Any one else reach one of there goals??


  • linhmaimac
    linhmaimac Posts: 148 Member
    Congratulations!! Thats friggin awesome. All the hard work and diligence paid off. Keep it up my friend! I'm 2 lbs away from prepreg weight...and baby is only 2 months so I'm confident that I'll get there in 2 months without jeopardizing milk supply. I look forward to being on the same boat as you and being able to exercise again.
  • chamcmillan
    chamcmillan Posts: 40 Member
    Congratulations!! Thats friggin awesome. All the hard work and diligence paid off. Keep it up my friend! I'm 2 lbs away from prepreg weight...and baby is only 2 months so I'm confident that I'll get there in 2 months without jeopardizing milk supply. I look forward to being on the same boat as you and being able to exercise again.

    Congrats!!!!! You don't have far to go.
  • ksaranya
    ksaranya Posts: 50
    Hi there. Yes yes yes!
    I reached pre preg weight when my daughter turned 9 months. It was a HUGE milestone for me.
    Worked out religiously 6 days a week, got back decently into shape.

    But I was overweight before getting pregnant, SO I still have about 20lbs to lose to reach my ideal weight. So the weight loss continues!
    Now I try to work out 4 - 5 days a week, trying to be mindful of my diet.
    But STILL I am happy I shed those 30 odd pounds!
  • krystie99
    krystie99 Posts: 42 Member
    Wow! Awesome job ladies! I have a way to go (23lb to get to prepregnancy weight). I think I've finally accepted that it's not going to "fall off" for me and get more serious about working out. Cheers to you!
  • chamcmillan
    chamcmillan Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there. Yes yes yes!
    I reached pre preg weight when my daughter turned 9 months. It was a HUGE milestone for me.
    Worked out religiously 6 days a week, got back decently into shape.

    But I was overweight before getting pregnant, SO I still have about 20lbs to lose to reach my ideal weight. So the weight loss continues!
    Now I try to work out 4 - 5 days a week, trying to be mindful of my diet.
    But STILL I am happy I shed those 30 odd pounds!

    Good job. Any success is worth celebrating :-)
  • chamcmillan
    chamcmillan Posts: 40 Member
    Wow! Awesome job ladies! I have a way to go (23lb to get to prepregnancy weight). I think I've finally accepted that it's not going to "fall off" for me and get more serious about working out. Cheers to you!

    It can be done. Your daughter is adorable in your profile picture. Unfortunately the weight does not just fall off. I do have to say that breastfeeding helped a whole lot with my weight coming off.
  • klbailenson
    Congrats to you ladies! I have a 2 and a half year old and a 6 week old and I am just starting to get back into running! I did a half marathon before I was pregnant with #2 but was still heavier than I should have been when I got pregnant. I am hoping to lose around 40 pounds. Your successes are motivating to me, keep up the good work!
  • JennsRAQ
    JennsRAQ Posts: 132 Member
    I've got about 12lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight...
    BUT! I looked back at my MFP log from last June (I started trying to lose weight right before I got pregnant) and I weigh .6lb less NOW than last June 12th... so I'm already lower than my pre-diet weight last year! :)

    I have lost a total of 33.2 lb since my due date. :) Baby (who was born 10lbs!) is 6 1/2 weeks old, so not bad!