
mkbg3 Posts: 3 Member
Hey ya'll!

Im a newbie and am REALLY excited about this website :) I've downloaded it to my phone and plan to use it daily at work to keep me on track. Any suggestions you all have for what "works" would be great. I have 15-20 pounds to won't be easy. I'm looking forward to being motivated by others through this website :)

Cheers to losing weight and being confident again!


  • popat89
    popat89 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey! Welcome! I love MFP too. Once you use it for a while you'll find tips that work for you. A friend of mine plans the meals for her next day before she goes to bed. I also find it's easier to stay on track when I have already logged healthy options for myself :) I'll friend you if you're looking for support feel free to add me! I didn't use the community feature the first year I was on MFP and I didn't see lasting results. Since I've been adding friends I've been much more accountable :)
  • BookofJenny
    BookofJenny Posts: 96 Member
    Hi, I am new too and I would love to know what works for other people as well! I have just over 20 pounds to lose, but it is a similar goal to yours. Add me if you want to, we can learn how this thing works together :)
  • purpleacacia18
    purpleacacia18 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey, I'm also new to this group. Feel free to add me if you'd like! =)
  • lizlikewoah
    lizlikewoah Posts: 8 Member
    Also looking just to have more support from the site - and give it, too! Stay accountable, etc.

    Fifteen-ish more pounds to go.
  • SLally
    SLally Posts: 33
    HEYY I am just barely started want to lose 15lbs, I could use some friends and tips! thanks!
  • khryss44
    khryss44 Posts: 5
    Oh Newbies we are so cute. So my hill looks really steep, I have 44 pounds to go but 44 pounds of fat! if some of that turns to muscle, HELL YEA LOL ! I love the tip about planning the next day! Anyone wants to chat or vent feel free. ( I think my bf may get tired of the im so fat broken record)
  • thatgirl02
    thatgirl02 Posts: 6 Member
    I may have created this account months ago... but i failed to use it. Now I am laid off work again, and this time its for real.... any and all motivation will be greatly appreciated.
  • I'm new to this website. I lost the 25 lbs two years ago and kept it off until now! I have 17lbs to lose! And this time It's staying off!!!
  • melodiac1
    melodiac1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello everyone I am a new member too! I have 110lbs to lose total but right now my short term goal is 10 lbs! I am getting married in October so by then I hope to lose at least 15 lbs!