
hwy2heaven Posts: 1 Member
When do I find out what this is all about and when I start....I'm soooo excited.:happy:


  • 115perfection
    115perfection Posts: 109 Member
    Wooohoo welcome to the group!
    This is a group where we push eachother to meet our goals through the summer starting IMMEDIATELY! We're going to keep everyone on track and making sure they meet there fitness goals. In this group we'll give and ask for advice, chat, and kick eachothers *kitten* mainly.

    I plan on losing 20 - 30 lbs by september, whatever looks good. What are your goals? I want to tone up mainly. I am using the 30 day shred STARTING TODAY weeehhooo and also going to be running walking hiking and going to the gym. Maybe start swimming in July, who knows. :)
  • crissyrox
    crissyrox Posts: 94
    I would love to loose at least 20lbs the next few months, going to start the 30day shred today as well. I am hoping joining this group was the motivation I needed to get my butt in gear and quit gaining back what I lose. Tired of sabotaging myself!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I am so excited! I lost 40 lbs using MFP and then due to stress I fell off the wagon. I'm ready to start again and succeed this time!!! I would love to lose 30 lbs by September if I can. I am starting off with the Leslie Sansone videos and some strength and I want to get started running and try to get back on the 30 Day Shred again. Jillian is getting dusty on my shelf!
  • Kcaine82
    Kcaine82 Posts: 10
    New to the group....Excited! Last summer I lost 22 lbs. I kinda backed off over the winter and gained 6 lbs back. I am excited to see what this summer brings for me. So much easier for me to focus during the summer. I don't have to worry about my son and school and all of hit extra activities. A gym buddie of mine let me borrow the 30 day shred. I tried the first day and never went back to it. I want to actually do it. I love Jillian Micheals. So looking forward to focusing and accomplishing my summer goals. :happy:
  • Momys
    Momys Posts: 6 Member
    I need to lose about 60 pounds, but starting with the first 30lbs in the next 90 days would be great! I'm really looking forward to this!
  • Golda90
    Golda90 Posts: 18
    Hi just joined! The lowest O
  • Hey there !!!
    I started my new journey yesterday at 195lb. Ideally I'd like to be 140lb but 55lbs lose at the moment seems impossible which is how i got up to 195. so i should start with a smaller goal. so 30 lbs to 165lb is better huh? :) looking forward to talking with ppl with the same goals in mind :)
  • LiveforChange
    LiveforChange Posts: 115 Member
    Hi will im 198 i loved to join this groupmy goal is to be170 by sept. before the 10th since it would be my 1 st anniversary :)! good luck to everyone and remember work your hard andbest!
  • vikkey
    vikkey Posts: 13 Member
    Count me in!!! I'm 170lbs my goal is to be 145-140lbs.
  • _HeyMommy_
    _HeyMommy_ Posts: 323 Member
    Hi.... im in too! I am 160..8 now..would like to be 130/135 by September. My sil is getting married and
    I really want to go to the wedding and not be the biggest in the family for a change.
  • ashlet01
    ashlet01 Posts: 13
    I weighed in at 173 today. My plan is to drop the extra weight I picked up this spring. get back onto my running schedule and tone up with P90x. I want my arms to look like Linda Hamilton's in Terminator 2.
    I would also like my belly not look like I had 2 kids in 2 years.
  • Starklover
    Starklover Posts: 57
    losing 30 lbs would be fabulous.... 30 inches would be waaaaaaaay better :)