WELCOME and About me

Hi...i'm Shelli a 29 yr old in the DC area. I've been fortunate to have family that's been support and even critical at times. I've tried every diet, been to fat camps and have tried plain ol' diet and exercise. I do not have any kids (I do want some...one day). I find it a different struggle when you've been heavy (obesed) all your life to find others that will admit or converse around their same struggle. This is a judgement free zone, I just want to get some support and give my support in the journey that I know will be long, sometimes painful...but equally rewarding!


  • ladypinnix
    ladypinnix Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Shelli, Your bio sounds exactly like me! 29 years old, battled weight my whole life, tried several other diet plans and haven't succeeded, no kids... only difference is I'm in Washington State, not DC. :-) I think this group is an amazing idea! People our age, especially women, are so judgmental of eachother. I think we need to support eachother in being healthier, more beautiful people instead of hating on eachother!! :-)
  • Hi Ladies! Both of your stories are similar to mine. I am 29 and re-started my weight loss journey again this year. I started at 245 lbs and and currently at 232 lbs. I do not have a 100+ lbs. to lose, but I have about 70 lbs. to go. I have struggled with my weight since college. Many ups and downs, but now it's about changing my life for the healthier. I live in Germany, but I consider myself a pretty positive person and am always willing to lend support where needed and wanted.

    I wish you all the best and look forward to your successes!

  • mshm13
    mshm13 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I am so happy to have found this group! I too have felt like my situation was not quite like everybody else's. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I am 38 years old and live in New Brunswick, Canada. I am looking forward to our success! :o)
  • It's so great to hear from others...I think regardless of how much weight you're trying to lose, it's nice to be encouraged by those go through similar struggles. I know personally so many people who are like I lost X amount of weight after my kids, if I can do it, so can you. The interesting things is that they were relatively small before, and it's not the same when you've battled with it your whole life.

    So things have you all done to get the pounds off and keep them off?
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    hi everyone .. i am so happy to have found this group

    im 32 , married in La (between N.O. and Baton Rounge)
    no kids , 140 - 150 pounds to lose , and i was born chunky and just got bigger ..lol

    we can do this .. good luck everyone
    i look forward to getting to know yall

  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 293 Member
    Hopefully you'll let me join in. I'm currently 40, but have more than 100 to go - never had kids. Just let me know if that's ok. I have always been heavy - I'm a little nervous for how I'll look without the weight since i've been so heavy for so long, will i be one of those extra skin having, flabby people? (I will lose the weight. Just watch me). :) Anyway - interested in finding others in the same boat or who may have success stories for how they got to their ideal weight without needing one of those lift/tuck surgeries to get rid of the sags and bags.

    anyway - hi! :happy:
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Amy- I am 37 years old and have never had any children. I am American, but I am living in Auckland, New Zealand, for the time being.

    I started my weight loss journey at 310 pounds and am now down to 240 pounds, with another 100-120 pounds left to go.
    I've always battled with my wight but never seemd to be in the right mindset to do something about it. After years of being in an unhappy relationship, I woke up one day and realized it was time to take control of my life and start making some changes.

    I am determined to reach my weight loss goals and am dedicated to this new way of living, for life.
    I look forward to taking this journey with all of you :)
  • Lindseyn56
    Lindseyn56 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello ladies! Excited about joining this group. I am 26 and weigh 266. I have been on myfitnesspal for about 2 months and I am needing some support to continue to lose. I have lost 7 and need to lose 100.

    We can do it together! :)
  • bethendrix
    bethendrix Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! My name is Beth. I'm 33 years old, married, with no kids and a stifling 120 lbs to lose! I am a nurse and have recently joined a medically supervised weight loss plan along with MFP. I have lost around 90 lbs THREE times. It's maintaining that's really tough!!! My first weigh in is Wesnesday. :) nice to meet you ladies!
  • themehgetarian
    themehgetarian Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, everyone. :)

    I'm Erin, 31, and have between 90-115 lbs. to lose. I have that range because I haven't been below 150 in probably 20 years, so I don't remember what I look or feel like at those weights. I've been overweight my entire life, and a yo-yo dieter for much of my adulthood. My last big loss was 60 lbs. between Nov. 2009 and August 2010, but I've gained about 35 lbs. of that back. I just got out of a very messed up relationship with a boyfriend who didn't approve of low-carbing or Primal eating, so I'm excited to adopt that way of eating again along with exercise so I can do it the "clean" way this time around.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you here, and to support each other as we work on ourselves.
  • vara123
    vara123 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am from Scotland, in the UK. I turn 28 in a few weeks and don't want to carry all this weight another year into my life! I've got 40kg to lose (88lbs), and have lost 11kg (25lbs) so far. No baby weight, etc, no excuses! Have been big my whole life - one of those 'carries-it-well types'. Never got in the way of my career or my love life, so I suppose I've never had the impetus to really do anything about it - whilst eating whatever it was I wanted and doing very little along the way. I guess I realised, this year, what damage I have been doing to my body and am now determined to turn my relationship with food (and exercise!) around.

    Vara x
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Beth and I hail from Wisconsin. My goal now is to lose 40-50 pounds, however, I have lost 150+ pounds over the last 3 years with changing my eating habits and had gastric bypass. My weight loss has stalled over the last year due to some health issues I had due to needing and having a hysterectomy. However I'm doing much better now and am looking forward to getting the rest of this weight off!!

    And no kids here, and, obviously, never will. LOL My now husband and I decided a very long time ago we didn't want kids though, which is a very good thing! :smile:

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
    Hello! I'm Lite!

    I am 23. A college junior needing to lose 122 total pounds. How awesome is that?
  • Hello everyone! I'm Jen, I'm 27 and I am on a mission to lose anywhere from 100 - 110 pounds! I am looking for friends to support and help support me and keep me motivated when it gets tough!

    I am blogging my journey, recipes, DIY, etc at


    Feel free to send me an friend invite! I'm open! :)
  • star5558
    star5558 Posts: 4
    Hi, I'm Kyle. I'm 28 and 5'9 weighing 260. Just started back up with mfp again and I so want to be successful. I have a goal of 160. I have been heavy all my life, think I must have been in middle school last time I weighed 160! First group I have joined, looking for support. Feel free to add me as friend, we can be on this journey together. :)
  • CeliaBeeDee
    CeliaBeeDee Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Ladies!! I am currently 23 turning 24 pretty soon. I have been pretty much on the bigger side for most of my life. I currently weigh 220 and want to get down to 135 to 122 I am 5'3'' btw. About three years ago I was at 173, so I have gained a lot of weight since then.

    I've noticed that I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am stressed out, bored, and etc. I want eat only when I'm hungry. ( "eat to live, not live to eat").

    Ways I am trying to stay motivated.
    1- Chatting with you ladies. I would love to talk about the challenges we are facing.
    2- Looking at clothes I eventually want to wear/fit into on a daily basis.
    3- Remembering all the health risks associated with obesity. I'm in med school and I am constantly learning about this stuff. It really scares me. Also diabetes runs in my family.
    4- Before and after pics of success stories, especially when women are near my beginning height and weight.

    I would love to get to know you guys! Friend me up! Forgive my any grammer errors. I am writing this really late at night. I am le tired.