So what will you be doing differently?

Copperycat Posts: 215 Member
OK . I am very excited about the challenge as I have just started and it is just the motivation I need.

But - my weight loss programme is designed to lose 1lb per week (eek!) so to achieve the challenge I need to up my game!

I was just wondering what you will be doing differently(if anything) to win the challenge - I don't want to eat less than my set calories so will have to be creative with the exercise. I cant get to the gym or do classes so in addition to my regular 30 mins cardio exercise I thought I might-

challenge my teenage daughter to Lets Dance session on the Wii (sweat mode lol)
play chase with the dog in the garden
wash my car more often.....(not very appealing!)

So what will you guys be doing differently if anything (maybe some of you don't need to!) perhaps I can borrow some of your ideas.:smile:


  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    OK . I am very excited about the challenge as I have just started and it is just the motivation I need.

    But - my weight loss programme is designed to lose 1lb per week (eek!) so to achieve the challenge I need to up my game!

    I was just wondering what you will be doing differently(if anything) to win the challenge - I don't want to eat less than my set calories so will have to be creative with the exercise. I cant get to the gym or do classes so in addition to my regular 30 mins cardio exercise I thought I might-

    challenge my teenage daughter to Lets Dance session on the Wii (sweat mode lol)
    play chase with the dog in the garden
    wash my car more often.....(not very appealing!)

    So what will you guys be doing differently if anything (maybe some of you don't need to!) perhaps I can borrow some of your ideas.:smile:

    I actually upped my calories to my BMR. At first didn't lose infact gained but then I started to lose. I hope to get back in my walking routine. Right now I am in the middle of spring cleaning so that is butting a hamper on my workouts. But want to mix up my workouts more. Tring to eat more regularly and spaced more evenly.
  • Bamagal25
    Bamagal25 Posts: 25 Member
    I have started getting up at 5am and walking/running with a couple of neighbors. This is extra since I'm still walking with my husband at night along with doing a Jillian Michaels dvd every other day. Hoping this will help shed those 10 lbs.
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    I have added more water. Used to drink about a glass a day. I have upped the speed of my walking and do 2 miles in 28 minutes, I work out with Jillian 2x a day and cut the goodies such as irish cream in my coffee. Damn, I wanna do this. Need a friend? Look me up
  • rolloffat
    rolloffat Posts: 17 Member
    Doing water arebics, swimming. running upstairs (when I remember:smile: ) Cutting out junk food, eating more fruit and nuts and trying to drink more water!
  • DarinGettingFitNow
    DarinGettingFitNow Posts: 421 Member
    I'm increasing my activity level and trying stay focused on calories intake. I'm making myself do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise - even if "just" walking - every day. Every other day, I'm doing a Jillian Michaels DVD or doing interval training.

    Actually, I'm enjoying the interval training. Allegedly, it is supposed to help you burn calories post-exercise. I got the pattern from Prevention Magazine's "Sexy Summer Slim Down" (well,here's hoping!). They say you can use this with any regular cardio exercise, like walking, running, eliptical, etc.

    It's based off of Rate of Perceived Exertion, or RPE. It's a scale of 1-10.
    5-6 slightly breathless but able to speak
    7-8 speaking should take more effort, can only say a few words at a time.
    For the Cardio Burst, use jumping jacks, walking lunges, and chair squats, alternating among them.

    It goes:

    * Warm-up: 5 minutes, at RPE 5.

    [1 minute of increased speed/intensity at 7-8 RPE
    3 minutes of recovery mode at 6 RPE
    1 minute of "Cardio Burst" at 6 RPE]

    repeat the middle for a total of 4 times.

    *Cool-down: 5 minutes, RPE 3-4.

    I will readily admit that the cardio burst can be a bit humiliating when I'm walking or jogging outside. I mean, doing chair squats randomly on the sidewalk? You gotta admit that looks funny. But this is all for a reason, and if it's the worst thing a person sees that day, then it's not a bad day for them, I suppose. :noway:

    At any rate, I downloaded an "interval timer" app for my phone and programmed it in, so it gives me audio cues. Plus, If I'm feeling enthusiastic, I can up the middle to 6 cycles for a longer workout.

    The article is pretty awesome. I think, next time I'm in the office, I'll scan it in so I can post for you guys to look at.
  • escalada22
    escalada22 Posts: 191 Member
    I am going to increase my water intake, try to get at least 2 workouts in a day. I am staying within my calorie count so I know I can do this! ;)
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    My boyfriend and I bought mountain bikes so we can go riding together. Unfortunately it has rained every day this week lol
  • mpankratz79
    mpankratz79 Posts: 21 Member
    I totally forgot about my bike...We live on a very small post. I am going to start biking to the store and library. Boy that is going to suck in 90+ weather with 2 kiddos in the bike trailer. Oh I so want theses 10 pounds.
  • cbaac03
    cbaac03 Posts: 152
    I am now doing 2-3 live Zumba classes/week. The other days i will be walking/jogging, or doing Zumba at home. Let's do this!!
  • Copperycat
    Copperycat Posts: 215 Member
    oh you guys have really got it sussed! I must remember to drink more water too. Good luck everyone:flowerforyou:
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    The article is pretty awesome. I think, next time I'm in the office, I'll scan it in so I can post for you guys to look at.

    That would be appreciated.
  • chandra38
    chandra38 Posts: 110 Member
    I have extra motivation since my husband told me today that we will be going to see his family in August. They live in Cape Cod, and this will be our first time to see them in 3 years! I've lost 32 pounds since they last saw me, and I want to be down another 10, for sure!

    So, I am going to finally cut the soda out of my life. I KNOW that is my biggest vice and the main reason the pounds don't come off as quickly. Also, going to have to pack lunches instead of driving through somewhere. Even though I get kids meals or stay under cal goal, I know it's loaded with all the "bad" stuff.... I'm already working out on a good plan, so those diet changes should help me shed easier! So excited to see the results!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Brazilian Butt Lift program Week 2 and lots of walking!
  • delmc1
    delmc1 Posts: 331 Member
    changed my diet . my target is now
    40% protein
    30% fat
    30% carbs
    this should cause a energy deficit and the body will have to go to its fat stores for energy
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I will be following Chalene Johnson's exercise formula from her book. I've decided to put my trust into her.
